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You mean ......this is not ...forever ?      

Do I lose the right to drive my sheep over Spaghetti Junction ?

Is it back to playing the Working Men's Clubs  ooop north ?

What if I cannot lose the mighty shield  Gollum it has become ...My Precioussss.... did Apache tell you that if you clutch the shield to your bosom you become invisible.

Will other  trades not genuflect when I stride onto site with my entourage more apprentices asking for signed photos .?

The Young Pretender will have to be of strong mentality to be the carrier of ....The Great Forum Shield .... there are Dark forces that seek it ...whenever you polish it the Dark Lord senses it's location ..... I have had the Dark Riders ...The Nazgul... galloping after  my van ...clutching ...grasping .. their firey eyes within their empty cowls blazing as they seek to take The One Shield that rules them all .

My successor must continue to resist The Dark Forces  for I shall go into The West with The Elves race will be run ....  being FSOTY  is a mighty challenge ..I can only offer you blood ,toil, tears & sweat  when you take on the defence of our island ... you will have to fight on the beaches , on the landing grounds and on the streets , but fight we will ..........we will NEVER surrender !!! 

Oooo  sorry  bit carried away there :C
