"Scantronic 9448+ Style" installation manual

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Seaman stains™
Supporting Member
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
North Wales Riviera

Hopefully someone can help me?

I've got a customer for whom I've replaced a bell box and as neither of have the panel installation instructions or engineer code the panel went nuts (as you would expect it to). Temporarily I've disconnected all power to the panel (disabled the alarm), I told the customer that this was a posibility before I started!

So what I'm after is an installation manual an reset procedure for this panel?

Basically what you're saying is you shouldn;t be doing alarms as you have no idea what you're doing. You should be able to change the bell box without needing the engineer code.

Basically what you're saying is you shouldn;t be doing alarms as you have no idea what you're doing. You should be able to change the bell box without needing the engineer code.
Unfortunately it wasn't a recent bell box..

When I say "bell box" it was just that, a 6" bell in a box!!! oh and someone had added a strobe but not wired it in!!

So to ensure that I was wiring it up correctly I wanted to see how it was wired inside tha panel... wouldn't you say that was a good idea???

TBQH I didn't really want to replace the bell box without having the manual and engineer code (i was mean't to be doing the job on Friday - but the other part of the job neded to be done today), but my customer just wanted it to look the part and didn't mind if I had to disconnect it.

So I did as my customer asked,,,

but I did say that I would get hold of a manual and go back and get it working!

I never said you can do it without triggering the tamper, what I said was you can change a bellbox without making the panel go nuts, if you know what you're doing.I've said this before and I think it needs pointing out again as I don;t think there's anyone else on here who comes anywhere close to a security engineer of any sort, unless there's some lurking in the shadows, but if someone comes on here with stories of bodged alarms then it's all fine, just hand out installation instructions to all and sundry regardless of any implications, but if anyone comes on and has fitted a switch without brown sleeving then they're ****ed.

If someone came on and said "I tried to change the CU but I set the cupboard on fire so pulled the main fuse and came here for a book on the subject" would everyone say it's ok mate, here's what you should have done, better luck next time? Doubt it somehow.
Have user code to hand. undo panel screws, remove panel cover, panel will go into tamper, enter user code, this will silence alarm, do the job, replace cover,

re-enter user code. reset panel. job done. i am a security systems engineer turned electrician ( still doing my time) O)


just after a bit of advice. i have recently bought a house with a scantronic 9448+ style alarm fitted. unfortunately the code is not known and it was a repossesion so there is no chance of obtaining the code. can anyone tell me how i go about obtaining the code, is it a case of calling out an engineer? or is it something i can do. ps i'm not an electrician, but i do have the user manual!

thanks for your time

as matty says, post 2!

if it still won't set or reset, follow the instuctions to do a factory reset, might be worth changing the battery while your in there, about 35quid from maplins, or your local leccy wholesaler might be kind enough to do you one at trade about

hi,just after a bit of advice. i have recently bought a house with a scantronic 9448+ style alarm fitted. unfortunately the code is not known and it was a repossesion so there is no chance of obtaining the code. can anyone tell me how i go about obtaining the code, is it a case of calling out an engineer? or is it something i can do. ps ii'm not an electrician, but i do have the user manual!

thanks for your time
You could do it with the engineers manual. You follow a procedure including shorting out pins. There is mains voltage in there and don't do it unless your really really comfortable with electricity.
