shed cert

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when you wire in a shed do you do 2 EIC (1 for shed 1 for supply) or just one?
Either\or. EIC with continuation sheet would do.

if one where do you take the Ze/PFC from? shed or house?
Seriously? Look up definitions of Ze, Zs and Zdb. Ze is external so can;t be taken from the middle of the installation, Zs is for final circuits and Zdb is Zs, but on distribution circuits.

Either\or. EIC with continuation sheet would do.Seriously? Look up definitions of Ze, Zs and Zdb. Ze is external so can;t be taken from the middle of the installation, Zs is for final circuits and Zdb is Zs, but on distribution circuits.
ahh yes ofcourse, sorry sill question


No NOT a silly question, you had a query and you posted for clarification.

We all get our moments when we can't see the wood from the trees.

Post first if you're unsure and most of us will try to help where we can.

We'll not always agree on everything, and we can't give the definitive answers only our opinions or interpretations of the regs, legislation etc.

However, at least you have some others to bounce ideas off, I have learnt how lonely it can be trying to decide a course of action when you have no one else in the co. to bounce ideas off recently!

Seriously? Look up definitions of Ze, Zs and Zdb. Ze is external so can;t be taken from the middle of the installation, Zs is for final circuits and Zdb is Zs, but on distribution circuits.

Which definitions are those you are using Lurch?

Where do you find definition of "Zbd" in BS7671?

AND what IS an installation and where IS external????

Part 2 Definition from pages 20 thro 36:- where page 36 is the second page of symbols used in the regulations, we find...

[*]Z impedance between the low voltage system and the earthing arrangement

[*]Zl impedance of parallel conductor l

[*]Ze that part of the earth fault loop path that is external to the installation

[*]Zk impedance of conductor k

[*]Zm impedance of parallel conductor m

[*]Zs earth fault loop impedance

[*]Zx impedance of floor insulation


Hi Paul

Do you use the Domestic Installation certs. if so you can include more then one Db on them, (If you note it states (DB(S))

So for a shed where you have provided a new Distribution circuit to supply it I would start the Test sheet with details of the new Distribution circuit and then below that record the Shed circuits i.e.


Cct 1 Existing

Cct 2 Existing

CCt 3 New shed supply


Cct 1 Sockets

CCt 2 Lights

So it all goes on one Sheet
