Wooden shed installation possible?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2022
Reaction score
Hi folks, wonder if anyone here knows the answer to this please?

Are there any restrictions I should be aware of regarding installation of pc inverter and or battery inside a wooden shed.

I'm not intending to do the work myself, just working through feasibility of where I can put various parts around the house.

Shed in question is constructed in 2x4, wooden slatted walls, with black roofing felt for weatherproofing. Butts up against side of house, lead flashing from sode of house onto shed roof. Has some electric sockets and lighting.

Thanks for taking a look
None that I can think of, might be prudent to mount any electrical kit on a Heat resistant board. In fact does @johnb2713 on here not have all his inverter, batteries and bms mounted in a small wooden lean-to against his house.
Edit Binky beat me to it😀
None that I can think of, might be prudent to mount any electrical kit on a Heat resistant board. In fact does @johnb2713 on here not have all his inverter, batteries and bms mounted in a small wooden lean-to against his house.
Edit Binky beat me to it😀
Yes he does :)


The back of the shed is lined with an MDF like material that just doesnt burn, everything is mounted to house wall through the back of the shed and the lining.
Thanks folks, I see your point about fire resistant backing / mounting board

one of the companies providing quotes I've received mentioned in passing that 'there were some regs on wooden sheds', I shall make a note to follow that up with them if I pursue their quote

Hi John, how could I forget that! Doh! PS which way does your 'shed' wall face, it looks quite shaded, e.g. North ?
Thanks John, I was curious as I'm getting comments from installers about not placing batteries in direct sunlight, which in my circumstances is making it a bit tricky to locate them.
Put some form of housing around it, it will stop them baking in the sun or drowning in the rain if the last couple days are anything to go by :(

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