Smoke Alarm question

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Senior Member
Apr 28, 2010
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Have been asked to quote for rewire of house, with TT supply.

It is large detached house with 4 bed, 2 bathrooms, 2 lounges, 2 diners, 2 kitchens, 2 halls and 2 toilet rooms.

The catch: it is one address but split down the middle and inerconnected by 2 internal doors 1 up 1 down, with seperate front and back doors.

The rooms are split evenly with exactly half each, seperate meters and CUs for each half. Was apparently built like that for 2 brothers in 1920s. Now being used as 1 property by 1 occupant.

Electrics a mess, only 1 earth rod that I found, no gas bonding visible, vintage sockets, wooden mounted, rubber cables etc.

So complete rewire, new earth rods, bonding etc

What about smoke alarms do they need to be interconnected to each half of the house?

Was thinking of seperate system for each half interlinked and own supply from cu. But I remeber something about multiple occupancy when I lived in a rented flat but not sure of the requirements.

Has anyone come accross this before? Any help appreciated.


what i would do is total re-wire from one supply only and make the other redundant so to speak. that way there will never be a problem with connecting something from 'next door'

also thinking about it they will probably be on 2 diff phases

Yes smokes would have to be interconnected throughout:good luck:

Thanks. :)

Not same phase as supply is split at 1st meter with seperate 100a fuses, then feeds under house to 2nd cu & meter.

Seems like a better way to do it but not sure if thats possible to go to one meter.

Current tennant isn't owner and I'm working on behalf of tennants brother to get the place up to scratch for a live-in carer. It may need to go back to two seperate tennants in future.

Been paid for a visual inspection and report so far, just working on the quote for rewire.

Thanks. :) Not same phase as supply is split at 1st meter with seperate 100a fuses, then feeds under house to 2nd cu & meter.

Seems like a better way to do it but not sure if thats possible to go to one meter.

Current tennant isn't owner and I'm working on behalf of tennants brother to get the place up to scratch for a live-in carer. It may need to go back to two seperate tennants in future.

Been paid for a visual inspection and report so far, just working on the quote for rewire.
I see M8 i just presumed that someone had bought it and wanted a re-wire

I see M8 i just presumed that someone had bought it and wanted a re-wire
That would be a whole lot easier!!

Would I be right in thinking that I only need to wire smokes circuit from 1 side for whole building, and not 2 circuits that overlap both ways into the other dwelling, but obviously not connected together.

Sorry if that doesn't make sense! :p

How about using RF bases to link the smokes in the two halves of the house?

I've used these for retro fits to avoid the upheaval of running a 3c&e from upstairs to downstairs.

Grey area Deke - If there`re 2 meters & supplies, then there are technically two installations; therefore you CAN`T hardwire interlink. RF base could be a good idea, as the RF interlink could be deprogrammed in future if two seperate properties.

As per the question about HMO and overlap:

1. Are the property dividers providing compartmentation - are the connecting doors fire doors?

2. Best bet may be to speak to the Regional Fire Officer - that way you`ve got your bum covered.......


Grey area Deke - If there`re 2 meters & supplies, then there are technically two installations; therefore you CAN`T hardwire interlink. RF base could be a good idea, as the RF interlink could be deprogrammed in future if two seperate properties.As per the question about HMO and overlap:

1. Are the property dividers providing compartmentation - are the connecting doors fire doors?

2. Best bet may be to speak to the Regional Fire Officer - that way you`ve got your bum covered.......

I would be tempted to get the fire safety officer in your area to clarify for you as KME says.

You only need one pair of rf bases to interlink, then from each base in each half the rest can be hardwired. Simples
As I remember in my rented flat above 2 other properties, all alarms were the battery powered rf type. Problem was the batteries only lasted about 8 months it was a right pain in the headbangheadbangheadbangheadbang! Will definitely be putting mains alarms in can't be bothered with the call outs to change the battery. Won't be too hard to get cables up to roof anyway.

Thanks Dave sounds good. Will interlink one rf each side , give each installation it's own alarm circuit, will quote for extra rf bases.

Thanks for your help guys.

But is there not somewhere that says that all smokes have to be mains powered with batt back up? ?:|

And i was also under the impression that there are no longer Fire officers like there used to be and now everything is down to the individual to do a fire risk assessment?

But is there not someware that says that all smokes have to be mains powered with batt back up? ?:|
Think that was got around because they were retro fitted to existing building and not part of any electrical refurbishment, not too sure though.

They were installed by some 'all singin and dancin' fire and burglar alarm company with alarm monitoring thing by phone (cost my landlord a fortune 9p per call to them 4x a day, didn't mention that in the sales blurb:innocent)

Think that was got around because they were retro fitted to existing building and not part of any electrical refurbishment, not too sure though.They were installed by some 'all singin and dancin' fire and burglar alarm company with alarm monitoring thing by phone (cost my landlord a fortune 9p per call to them 4x a day, didn't mention that in the sales blurb:innocent)
Now i'm confused are we talking about a Fire Alarm system or smoke detectors? :|

Sorry if i've gone off topic the alarms installed in my flat were smoke alarms, connected by rf to smoke alarms in the other flats below mine, and they were all connected to a monitoring system that also monitored the burglar alarm too (windows and doors).

The system, when set off by grilling sausages or by intruder, would activate either the smoke alarms or the burglar alarm. The system then dialled up a fault code to head office who would phone back to check I was still alive as I tried to clear the kitchen of smoke with a tea towel:^O

The company that operated the thing was a fire and burglar alarm company.
