Yep I can supply one £3,500 plus VAT if you need it, but that is only with 10m of cable & I'm not sure if it will be powerful enough for your needs, I'll need a bit more info to decide, sorry.
From reading the HSE website I can see that its not compulsory. And no its not a prerequisite for being allowed on site.Swelter for someone who portrays much site experience I'd suggest you ought to ask your site agent if he actually knows what he's doing, PAT testing of tools has been around for years and is a prerequisite of being allowed on site?
now,A few bits of extra reading for anyone who is asking about SAFE ELECTRICAL WORK..
and they have NEVER HEARD OF Portable Appliance.Testing....
General HSE guidance about electricity....
General HSE guidance about PAT testing....
HSE Q&A.. what to do if YOU think someone is working unsafely..
As a side thought...
Festool plug-it connectors.. Or any one plug-in connector..
how many are actually suitably IP rated for submerging under water????
Possibly a plug in lead on an submerged it is a flawed concept????
depends on the site. worked on many where 230v is allowedare we still on this??
no 230v on sites? not possible. I can guarantee every site in the UK has 230v on it.
no 230v power tools maybe.
I'm not talking little sites here, like a few houses, I'm talking Large Construction sites with over 50-100 sparks on site, New office blocks, New Factories, Airport terminals, Hotels etc etc, you will not be allowed to use 230V Hand Tools on these type of sites, unless your the tea lady in the canteen, or work in the site offices.depends on the site. worked on many where 230v is allowed
only had the odd site where they insist on 110v only, yet the odd one didnt have a problem with a 400v lead, because 'it wasnt 230'
You joke about it,now,
thats just being stoopid,
everyone knows that in order to submerge a plug&socket you need to tie a tescos bag around it and put some parcel tape on it.
fricking muppets thinking they are sparks, :shakehead![]()
Swelper, I think that you are taking this too the extreme,as if we were to take your logic through we wouldn't use any power tool on site,for electricity is potentially dangerous at all times. As it has been pointed out by very electrically experienced persons it is how you use and care for your equipment along with following industry guidance that ensures that you remain safe as can be. I'm sure that you use a gas nailer? Is this not a far more lethal tool than a correctly operated 240v tool? Are you suggesting that we all go back to hand tools without any sort of portable power?
You have been given advice as too your options and seem clearly intent on trying to persuade us (who work with electricity daily) that you're argument is not flawed? I see no more that we can offer,you have had everything that you have asked for including a110v pump??
By the way,your 240v appliances within your home are just as likely to electrocute you or do you have alternative voltage at home?
What missinformation has been posted?I'll bet any money they make a site 110v sunmersible pump like that.
Anyone who countenances this argument is a fool. A lot of misinformation being pedalled on this forum.
I'll design and build my own and liase with a manufacturer to get it passed.
you really dont get it, do you. just becuse some sites insist on 110v only does not mean 230v is illegal to use on sitesI'm not talking little sites here, like a few houses, I'm talking Large Construction sites with over 50-100 sparks on site, New office blocks, New Factories, Airport terminals, Hotels etc etc, you will not be allowed to use 230V Hand Tools on these type of sites, unless your the tea lady in the canteen, or work in the site offices.
with that one, with the amount of Regulations you need to get passed, you will be withdrawing your pension in quicker time.![]()
Andy Guinness
Legal or illegal is irellevant. Any operative using 240v on site should be shown the gate really dont get it, do you. just becuse some sites insist on 110v only does not mean 230v is illegal to use on sites
More misinformation. I don't butcher wood.You talk utter tripe!!! Go butcher some wood!!!!
He'll have to soon - it's waist deep in there!A word of advice Swelper - when in a hole, stop digging.
Andy Guinness