Sunday morning callout

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Seaman stains™
Supporting Member
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
North Wales Riviera
Had a call of a customer, their neighbours electric had tripped out and they had narrowed it down to the oven by disconnecting everything..

Anyway, I get there and confirm that the oven has indeed got an IR breakdown by testing at the isolator switch so I pull the oven out and remove the back cover thinking that one of the elements had gone (its one of those that you have to remove the back cover to replace an element),, i disconnect the element terminals and find that they're all ok!,,, i then look down at the connection terminals and found a mouse across them

Who would have thought;)?

dirty B*t*ds


who the F*** would even do that,

how much eating is in the average mouse,?

most people wait till they have 8 or 9 before they cook them,

only one,

they coulda threw it in the toaster if they were that tight.

Had a call of a customer, their neighbours electric had tripped out and they had narrowed it down to the oven by disconnecting everything..Anyway, I get there and confirm that the oven has indeed got an IR breakdown by testing at the isolator switch so I pull the oven out and remove the back cover thinking that one of the elements had gone (its one of those that you have to remove the back cover to replace an element),, i disconnect the element terminals and find that they're all ok!,,, i then look down at the connection terminals and found a mouse across them

Who would have thought;)?
Reminds me of some years back when the ex went downstairs on the Saturday morning to make us a cuppa and while she was there she put the washer on, came back upstairs had the cuppa then she went downstairs, next she called saying the was a smell of burning coming from the washer and it had stopped working.

Took the top of and could not believe my eyes lying across the PCB of the control switch was a dead slug, the ****** had shorted it out and knackered it cost

A similar thing happened to me about four months ago, but it was'nt just one dead mouse !. I noticed a strange smell near this cooker (which was not working) and when I removed the inspection plate of the cooker to examine the connections I was greeted with a mass of decomposing mice, the shape of which matched the shape of the inside of the inspection plate !- yeuch !.

Doing a PIR about 5 years ago, I took the cover off the DB and there was a dead mouse still chewing on the live incoming tail. Someone once told me they can detect the buzzing and are attracted by it. Don't know if thats true though.

Doing a PIR about 5 years ago, I took the cover off the DB and there was a dead mouse still chewing on the live incoming tail. Someone once told me they can detect the buzzing and are attracted by it. Don't know if thats true though.

is it just me?

Doing a PIR about 5 years ago, I took the cover off the DB and there was a dead mouse still chewing on the live incoming tail. Someone once told me they can detect the buzzing and are attracted by it. Don't know if thats true though.
Ee by gum, you dont see that often

I thought they chewed to keep their teeth worn as they grow quick. Have you noticed 90% of the time its the neutral thats chewed by vermin ; \

Doing a PIR about 5 years ago, I took the cover off the DB and there was a dead mouse still chewing on the live incoming tail. Someone once told me they can detect the buzzing and are attracted by it. Don't know if thats true though.
At least it was NEUTRALIZED.

:coat :coat:coat:coat:coat:coat

probably told this story before but its a good un. When we lived in NZ we bought a new dishwasher. One night it started making random beeping noises. I couldnt be bothered to pull it out to unplug it so I just turned all the kitchen power off at the CU. As it was only a couple of months old I called the service engineer out. He came the next day. I'll never forget it. "I think I've found your problem" he said, holding up a large rat by the tail in his pliers. Rat had come under the house (wooden houses) found a way in squeezing past the waste pipe and decided to chew on the internal cabling of the dishwasher. The shop refused to honour the warranty and my home insurance didnt cover it. The damage blew up the processor so ended up costing about $300NZ

probably told this story before but its a good un. When we lived in NZ we bought a new dishwasher. One night it started making random beeping noises. I couldnt be bothered to pull it out to unplug it so I just turned all the kitchen power off at the CU. As it was only a couple of months old I called the service engineer out. He came the next day. I'll never forget it. "I think I've found your problem" he said, holding up a large rat by the tail in his pliers. Rat had come under the house (wooden houses) found a way in squeezing past the waste pipe and decided to chew on the internal cabling of the dishwasher. The shop refused to honour the warranty and my home insurance didnt cover it. The damage blew up the processor so ended up costing about $300NZ
I bet you said you dirty rat you dirty rat you.

probably told this story before but its a good un. When we lived in NZ we bought a new dishwasher. One night it started making random beeping noises. I couldnt be bothered to pull it out to unplug it so I just turned all the kitchen power off at the CU. As it was only a couple of months old I called the service engineer out. He came the next day. I'll never forget it. "I think I've found your problem" he said, holding up a large rat by the tail in his pliers. Rat had come under the house (wooden houses) found a way in squeezing past the waste pipe and decided to chew on the internal cabling of the dishwasher. The shop refused to honour the warranty and my home insurance didnt cover it. The damage blew up the processor so ended up costing about $300NZ
thats a lot of Lion Red Rev...........

think I woulda made the wife stand in the bath for a bit!!!!
