Sunday morning callout

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I really loved Lion Red,

was one of the things that got me going was when you walked into the beer shop it was just one big giant fridge!!! :D

couldnt believe it the first time, I musta looked a right donk, probably standing there like I was on another planet.!!!!

LOVED it, just to get out of the heat, was something like 34c the day I arrived,

leaving dead winter England.....

Yes I remember the 'beer shops' like you say a walk in fridge nice when its so hot outside. Then throw a deckchair in the pool and sit there witch just your head sticking out of the cool water sipping on a cold one.... happy days.

I stopped in /near Russel for a few weeks, on a small advocado farm!!!

I was on the POL for my residency visa, but then other stuff happened and I had to come back to the UK to sort it out. :(
