Switch feed.

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2008
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I went to put in a switch drop for a customer this week. This was to control a light already in situ in the loft. So there is a 2gang switch on the landing to control the landing light and a switch for the loft light. After isolating the circuit I removed the switch and the dry line box to discover a twin brown cable tucked behind. This cable went into the loft and up to the light fitting?? Ok I see a DIY job that was just too much for him. I run some T&E from the fitting and clipped in place then run this to an accessable joint box got a feed from landing light and connected everything up. After testing circuit, powered up and he was amazed that the light now worked.. I would have told him of the importance of a neutral but he didn't ask so I took the money and bid him a good day..

People think you can just take a feed from anywhere. A guy recently asked me to quote to reroute the feed for his redundant immersion heater to his new 9.5KW shower. Looked at me like dirt when I told him it needed a dedicated circuit. Quoted to do it correctly and never heard from him again.

I've just had the same with a qoute today. Spur off the circuit for the central heating to run a feed for the shower 800kw!! The trouble is, Your doing it to the regs and people think you're ripping them off.. Cant win sometimes .

I've just had the same with a qoute today. Spur off the circuit for the central heating to run a feed for the shower 800kw!! The trouble is, Your doing it to the regs and people think you're ripping them off.. Cant win sometimes .
New supply as well at 800kW!!!

That is some heck of a shower just short of 3.5kA single phase, blinkin eck!


Sorry, I know I taking the mick againROTFWL


Where can you get brown and brown 2 core & earth?

I remember buying 2 core and earth red and red, but I've never seen brown and brown for sale.

Oops yes my mistake try 8KW.. The twin brown core and earth was already there. I wouldn't bother buying it as normal T&E is good to go as long as you use brown sleeving when you need to..Wet Fish

We are using twin brown 1.5mm on current site for switch drops. They provide gear though so no idea were they get it from. Love it when half the feeds get run in twin brown and then you got to do it all again. Lol

Sent from my Desire Z

Most wholesalers will get it if you ask SF/Electrifix do it although they are expensive. I buy mine from Denmans and have brought it through WF in the past. What i would like to get is solid brown and blue 25mm tails like DNO use was told CEF do it but had no luck with them.
