The Heat Is Always On!

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Feb 27, 2010
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can anyone recommend a decent brand of mains wired smoke/heat alarms.I was sent to replace a heat detector at a job,the previous one had been setting of the system for 'no reason',changed said detector and all was well until the next day when I got a phone call with the horrid sound of the fire alarm going off in the back ground.The customer was using the oven,but in a normal manor,no smoke bellowing out,no noticable rise of temperature in the room.The detector is situated on ceiling which you could touch if you held your arm up(im a short arse and I could do it)its just over 300mm from edge of wall,its about 4 ft from the oven,it seems unlikely the positioning of heat alarm is setting it off,so I thought i'd ask those that know more than me! any ideas?

Heat rising from a oven  often sets off heat detectors, it may need repositioning. Also check its not the smoke detector  in the hall or other room thats being set off, thats more common than a lot realise.

Its the sudden change when an oven thats on has its door opened, that sets off 'the rate of rise' detectors

I have had a couple of customers when they open the oven when its really hot it will set the heat alarm off. These days I try to put them as far away from the oven as possible. I generally use Aico but even these are known to go off. 4 ft seems quite close to me.

For a regular domestic smoke/heat alarm system I'd use Aico alarms.... never had a problem with them.

But in all honesty do yor really think that there would be any evidence of a "real" activation by the time you got there?

For a regular domestic smoke/heat alarm system I'd use Aico alarms.... never had a problem with them.

But in all honesty do yor really think that there would be any evidence of a "real" activation by the time you got there?
yeah know what you're saying,have to take the customers word for what went on I guess,I think I'll try repositioning it,far away from cooker!

is it a rate of rise or fixed temp alarm that is fitted?

when you say fire alarm, do you really mean heat/smoke detectors?

would concur with slips point also that often its the detector in the hallway going off.

is it a rate of rise or fixed temp alarm that is fitted?

when you say fire alarm, do you really mean heat/smoke detectors?

would concur with slips point also that often its the detector in the hallway going off.
yeah,its heat and smoke detectors wired on 3 core apart from the leg back to the board,if it is a smoke in the hall going off,then its a false alarm,not sure how i'd pin point which detector is at fault?

I won't fit anything but Aico. We achieved Aico accreditation recently (which means very little but does get us work!) and to be fair, I like their range and haven't fitted or found anything as good in the last 10 years. Of course, it is all personal preference.

With most makes the device that has been activated has its light on. This is no good to you after though.
very true,

get them to see which detector has the alert light on,

what make are they? are they decent?

Im with the majority [i think] and only fit AICO on my own jobs,

personally, my heat detector is probably about a metre away from my oven, and about 2m higher, and it has never went off in 5 years of burnt stuff being obtained from our oven.

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We dont have a heat det in  the kitchen ( rewired the house 15 years ago and didnt even think about it)  But only this week i was cooking and set the hall detector smoke off which is about 9m away from the oven. Didnt really burn anything, but the smoke from fat did it.

A customer with a huge house i wired a few years back has taken down the kitchen heat as it went off often when baking  cakes. It was  about 3m in front & 1 1/2m to the side of the oven, strangely its an open plan house and 2 other smokes in the 'same' room have never activated.


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