My sisters husband is a serious fraud investigator for the DWP, He tells me about systems that they have to go on courses about, and believe me, it is unbelievable "science fiction" type stuff.
Anything they want to know about you they already know..
Yes indeed, my cousin was very high up in a certain government department, one thing he told me, and I later saw it proved, was that all the computer databases are linked, In the case I knew about, a neighbour and his wife were defrauding the DWP by him claiming as living elsewhere and she claiming as a single parent. One night he kicked off with another neighbour and got arrested, he gave his 'wifes' address for his bail, several days later someone from the DWP came round to do a check and he was proven to be living there, the house was full of his gear etc. he ranted on that someone had grassed him up, but it wasn't that, the minute his name had gone on the police computer it had flagged up on the DWP on because the address he'd given didn't have a man registered there,or more accurately the address was on the DWP computer as being inhabited by someone in receipt of one parent benefit!
It's the same with mobile phones, a lot of people believe,wrongly, that if you turn off the tracker bit it stops you being tracked,it doesn't it only stops
you seeing where you've been.and tracking a smartphone is even easier than tracking one of the old ones. With the older phones they could only track you to a certain area, because it worked by triangulation off the masts, so in essence if you were accused of doing something they could look at the data and say "yes, Mr Smith was in that area on that date at that time" but now they can pin you down to a few metres, so they could say "well Mr Smith was either at that address, or next door at the time the offence was committed". However it can occasionally go wrong, I had a log on my tracking from last year, it correctly stated that I had travelled from Warrington to Harrogate (elex), but alarmingly it then showed I'd gone from Harrogate to Exeter, then back home to Warrington!
Imagine how that would have looked if someone had accused me of being in Exeter that day, looking at my tracking it would have backed it up.
There's a lot of stuff we don't know about regarding their capabilities,occasionally I think they feed us a little something, but you can guarantee that by then it's already been replaced by something better.