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Just had some peppered German Salami.
Think i shall have some in a sandwich tommorow thinking about it.

Ill stop reading all this food talk is making me hungry despite the hugh bowl of sweet chilli chicken stir fry and noodles...

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that wont help you run faster! I did a 5K in under 26 mins today! hows the C25K going?
Havent been in a week was upto 25 mins straight at 11min/mile, new jobs messing my days up, hoping to get a run in friday evening before i hit the beers. Still sticking the diet just about tho.

I'm glad you have all stuck together on this one atleast you have that. Unfortunately you don't see the flaws with some of your colleagues on this forum

The point scoring big headed attitude is as childish as I was yesterday
I do miss them though James. :(

I always stay within the 2 joke threshold imposed by admins... :)
I'm glad you have all stuck together on this one atleast you have that. Unfortunately you don't see the flaws with some of your colleagues on this forum

The point scoring big headed attitude is as childish as I was yesterday
I have to agree with Oscar. I find this forum to be a brilliant and full of knowledge apart from a few who decide to attack people for not knowing everything. At times i feel it's a point scoring affair with a few and instead of helping, people are just ****ged off. Pringle vs Pringle. On the whole it's excellent and the answers come in the end but there's not need for bitterness.
Said the man who has not even been here a week? Clearly your limited knowledge and experience of the forum and how it is run is evident by your misguided and factually incorrect posts. If or when you manage to put some constructive input to the forum and contribute over many months your observations may be given some credence. But at this point in time you can be confident that you are about as wide of the mark as it is possible to be. Barking up the wrong tree in the wrong forest I suspect!

Doc H.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 00:50 ---------- Previous post was made at 00:02 ----------

I am not dynamite but tried to make a point yesterday by showing how this forum can be to harsh in genuine questions proved again todayA colleague asked a question that was really genuine and was shot down in flames for no reason and belittled why does this forum do that

It really is a great idea and could be a brilliant tool for all to use but it seems a minority use it as a platform to boost their own egos and prove how clever they are when I feel peoria know what peoria are asking but because the question is not asked as a 2391 exam question people find it acceptable to slam you

Sort this out guys I am sure genuine people are out there so lets not have the few rule the roost
As a member who has barely been here a month your knowledge and experience of this forum is severely limited. Clearly you disrespect many members who have been here far longer and input far more positive contributions to the forum, I do not know if it is jealousy or wanton moaning just for the sake of it? Simple fact of life; if you dislike the forum and how it is run so much, why bother wasting your time continually posting here?

This forum has been self-moderated for many years to a very successful high standard. It is impossible for the small number of members who have moderating privileges to read every post, but any member no matter how may posts they have made can report any post they find inappropriate or offensive. You can be assured that many of the 1000's of members who have been here far longer than you have, are capable of identifying any person on an ego trip or belittling other members. It is not a skill unique to yourself.

I personally once again thank all of the forum members who do a brilliant job keeping the moderating team alerted to any posts they consider inappropriate, offensive or just plain SPAM by using the report a post feature. They have been doing a thankless task contributing and reading posts and alerting Mod's & Admin to any problems for many years, to help build this forum to what it is today. Thank you gents and ladies!

So just to spell it out in clear easy to understand English. If any member who has been here less than a month, somehow thinks they are wiser than the 1000's of members who have been contributing and monitoring all posts made, over many years, then it is not rocket science to work out who is on an ego trip trying to make out how clever they are?

Doc H.

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Well said Doc,

i totally agree with you! This forum has helped me tremendously and i have never been belittled, nor 'shot down' during my time on here, as a matter of fact it has been exactly the opposite!

i have found this forum invaluable and very helpful. there are plenty of members that are willing to help and assist in whichever way they can.

There are members on this forum that have a vast range of experience and strive to help those whom wish to gain further experience.

the Admin and Mod team again help in everyway possible and they work very hard to keep some kind of order to this forum but they are also valuable members whom also contribute.

If the OP feels belittled or feels that they have been 'shot down' then perhaps this forum is not for them, but in no way shape or form should they be able to slander this forum in such a way as this in my perception is not the accuracy of us as a forum community!

+1 to Doc


+1 to Mrs Steetlighter!

well said both of you!

I mean who are these bods moaning about how the forum is run..

Troll United or summat???

Been out all day to Southampton fetching me daughter back from Uni...

popped back on here to have quick read after doing some paper work...

and find all this Carp!!!! :yellow card

IMHO Any person asking basic questions in Student & DIY areas is given much help and respect...


Any person asking basic question about work they should be qualified to do .....

especially for paying customers...

deserves to be hung, dried, dragged by their short and curlies through a cesspit and sat on the idiots chair for the rest of the week...

BASIC questions should already by under the belt of any self employed person charging a customer!!!

did it not attach???


---------- Post Auto-Merged at 23:18 ---------- Previous post was made at 23:16 ----------

i used the attach image link on the reply bar :(

i cant remember be login details for photobucket or flikr so i cant use them!

everytime i attach a piccy using the attach pic thing tho it dont work!

Mrs Streetfighter, in Photobucket, just hover on the piccy, box appears , left click on IMG , then go to Forum ,right click inside this box and click Paste , and some presses should appear .

They're not Power Presses by the way Mrs Streety, thats a 4 colour printing press.

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that was the pic i was trying to put up

must have been a problem with photo bucket as i tried that but it wouldnt seem to work!

Does it work now???

in regards to the 'Power Presses' im still none the wiser but they do look like theyd be fun to work with :D
