So sorry chaps forgot to post update :Blushing
Right a chap from NIC did go to the house and took some photos as well taking a copy of my ones.
He told the lady not to use it, which would have been hard as I had removed the cable anyway, also he gave her a list of local sparks who could do the work for her if needed and told her they were all NIC contractors so the work would be done right (the other chap was on the list as well!!!!) and when she pointed this out was told it would soon be removed, but only once the work and photos have been looked into.
She was told they would let her know what was going on with the chap, but as yet she has heard nothing.
I have looked on their web site and his name has gone, but I have been told he is still driving about in his van with the Nic stuff on it.
I have got my friend to give her a price for a new C/U and updating where needed, as at the moment I can