Torque screwdrivers

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Why insulated Jono?
thats a question I often think of asking,

HSE dont generally permit live working, so why is everybody so uptight about insulated tools?

I had this out with a H&S bod once during a toolbox inspection where he pulled a lot of my stuff,

he couldnt give me a proper answer, so skulked off to annoy someone else.

Also they generally dont do the bits long enough to get into the stupid recesses they seem obsessed with fitting the terminals down these days where as the insulated blades obviously have a longer reach.

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I got pulled up by a H&S jobs worth for using my uninsulated driver to fix a cut out to a wooden backboard in a lamp column that had no Live service inside yet.

Thing is I believe that there are flaws in the torque settings that have been given by the makers based on basic bolted joint theory!
Wera stated to me that you must re-tighten screws after 48 hours as they slacken off in the meantime. What a farce.

They were selling a kit for

Well I decided I am not buying one until I have to.

I'm fed up of lining other peoples pockets from what I earn, when will it all stop, what next !!!!!

Electricians must look like they are mugs, Bricklayer - Trowel and level, Painter - 3 Brushes, Plasterer - Float, Plumber - Hacksaw (now it's all plastic), Carpet fitter - Stanley knife, hammer and kicker.

Electrician - F*****g van load full !!!!

Well I decided I am not buying one until I have to.I'm fed up of lining other peoples pockets from what I earn, when will it all stop, what next !!!!!

Electricians must look like they are mugs, Bricklayer - Trowel and level, Painter - 3 Brushes, Plasterer - Float, Plumber - Hacksaw (now it's all plastic), Carpet fitter - Stanley knife, hammer and kicker.

Electrician - F*****g van load full !!!!
I`m sure the NICEIC speak on your behalf where it matters - pity that we are not allowed to know WHAT they say .... and how accurate any statements are. Perhaps that is why all "safety" meetings are held under non-disclosure agreements. ;)

You know when Scheme Operator lie - their lips move .....

Well I decided I am not buying one until I have to.I'm fed up of lining other peoples pockets from what I earn, when will it all stop, what next !!!!!

Electricians must look like they are mugs, Bricklayer - Trowel and level, Painter - 3 Brushes, Plasterer - Float, Plumber - Hacksaw (now it's all plastic), Carpet fitter - Stanley knife, hammer and kicker.

Electrician - F*****g van load full !!!!
Dream on!

Van full

Garage Full

Shed Full

Son's warehouse for steps, ladders, BOSS Tower scaffold, trailer, large stock items etc!

...........and after tomorrow's sojourn to Elex and Toolfair, who knows? I have my list, my vehicle is empty, so bring it on! Probably end up with nothing............... :coat

Mmm. Well when I had a new head put on my van a while back, if it hadn't been torque by the manufacturing instructions then, may be it could of failed, and if it did they wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

So if it says check all screws are torqued up in a cu to a certain level how do you do that if you don't have one ?

We can all say I did it till it rings:) so on and so on.

But if it were to fail it could be you who hasn't complied.

Well may be :)

If I must have one I will get one but I will say this in all the consumer units I have changed in the last 12 years I have not had one fail yet touch wood. Well I have not heard about one failing anyway.

I'm guessing that either you're right in that none have failed or none of the customers lived to tell the tale. Statistically it's likely to be your right, but statistics versus manufacturer instructions you lose.

I wish they would put as much effort into proper training schemes and getting rid of the idiots working in this industry as they do trying to make yet another quick buck out of the conscientious electricians who actually try and comply with all these never ending requirements, then maybe we could increase our rates to a level so we could warrant paying out for all these ever growing 'essential' overheads

As much as I don't need an excuse to buy a new tool this is just getting rediculous, where is this trade gonna be in 10 years time? There will be so much stuff you need to be considered competent, it will be just not be worth it

I'd like to add that it's very useful to have many of the electrical manufacturer's torque screwdriver settings all listed in one place. I wonder if this data will be acceptable as it is given by a 3rd party ie. the torque screwdriver manufacturer ****. Also this data could be subject to change so it should be more easily available from the manufacturer.

It would be a good idea if the recommended terminal torque settings were printed on each device.

What a load of rubbish... No wonder I can undercut most people's prices on jobs, they probs spend more time fishing round in their tool kits!

Trouble is hx, it is regs, to comply, 100% with BS7671, you must tighten to the manufacturers torque setting.

I don't like it either and I feel that the manufacturers data is fundamentally flawed, but we have no choice.
