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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
(1)    Light fittings at my wholesaler , mostly rubbish quality from you know where.      Now opened an account with another local wholesaler  who seem to have better quality stuff.

(2)   Bog standard  twin KO boxes ,  knockouts in the side not weakened enough so box is demolished while trying to tap it out .  Also if not careful , the adustable lug can easily be lost during handling.    I think they're Niglon.   

(3)   Now on 4th set of  what I call , mad screwdrivers .   The wierd ones , Modulo, that fit MCBs and earth bars in boards.

        Bought a set three weeks ago , german , forgot the name , two sizes both with the flutes sheared off . 

(4)    Knock -on clips for 20mm PVC conduit are so brittle they snap when you tap the tube in , especially in cold temperatures.

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No mate, I have no issues with mine, but, then again, I am pedantic about using the correct driver in the screw.

I have only broken one or two in ten years.

ive went through 5 CK ones since the beginning of the year,

and I always use the largest size that will fit properly, shucking fite TBH, I wont buy them again,

BTW, I got them from toolstation so just keep taking them back for replacement,

but, as soon as I see some decent ones that I like the look off I'll buy them and forget about replacing the CK ones.

Well this is just daft , I'll be buying a seperate toolbox soon to keep all the carp +/_ Modulating drivers in .

You cant say, 'I bet you don't know where that line came from' anymore as peeps will  google it.
I just Googled it , I didn't know that .   

I remember the news buzzing round my school the day after TBH .

Hmmm................back box material has got thinner over the years hasn't it? Take an old one out and it's like a 1/16" or more thick!

AND Penguin chocolate biscuits have gotten SMALLER too!!!


when was the last time you had a wagon wheel,?

more like a trolley wheel now, FFS,!
Yet people are getting FATTER.......guess if a the choccy bar is now smaller you'll eat something else to fill another one! Mars Bars, Snickers etc I'm sure were a "proper" size once. And Yorkies they're TINY now!

Do you no what, wagon wheel's where like marmite you loved them or hated them, because of there damp like tasting buiscuit if you no what i mean. But I always bought one and still enjoy one now and the but they have gone on a diet.

Don't get me started on rip offs .

One I noticed recently in the supermarkets with Fairy  washing up Liquid .  they have a couple of sizes very close together and I'm thinking ah!  you think that is the one bought last time but no !...its physically smaller and contains less fluid  but only when you find them together do you see any difference .

Sad I know but I don't like being fooled like that .....Small..Medium & Large  I understand.........  but Small...Medium ...very slightly less than Medium...& Large, I don't like.

Perfume !!!!  Perfume !!!!   Don't start me on bleedin' perfume FFS !!   

Missus "Suggests"   that a certain perfume might be nice for her birthday ,  so I'm in Boots ,  I'm handed a fairly tall carton of the stuff ...take it out , it,s now half the size of the carton and the stopper is about 3" long  leaving a tiny glass bottle of actual product .   At the price charged it must work out at £5000.00 per pint  I'd think.

Just thinking ....I'm called "Victor" in the wholesalers ....dunno why :C

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Agree with all of the above, would like to add... Had wera's 5 years now the only prob is getting them into wylex rcbo's.

everything else gets smaller and the price goes we know who to blame but I wish they wouldn't be so sneaky about it!

Lastly Evans Stop going to CEF!

Fish N Chips  Don't start me on Fish N Chips !!!!

As everyone knows , when spuds go up in price so do chips but they never come down again .

And until the world went mad  you could buy chips ,( in old money)  thus :-  

3  Pen'th  was the smallest quantity,   ( Meaning 3 old pennysworth ..or 3d worth .  the value at Decimalisation Day of  5p was one shilling (12d) so small bag of chips was about 1+ 1/2 p .

Then you could buy  4 d chips

Most popular was 6pen'th .

Then 9 pen'th .

And a shillings worth  (5p on Decimal Day) would feed the whole family .  

Then it gets complicated 'cos of inflation and a  decimal pound having 100 p in it  when the old pound had 240d in it  ....  and ..I give up at this point .

Petrol on D-Day was about  4s 5d  gallon  so....  around...25p gallon ...about an hours pay for a sparks I think.    

Agree with all of the above, would like to add... Had wera's 5 years now the only prob is getting them into wylex rcbo's.

everything else gets smaller and the price goes we know who to blame but I wish they wouldn't be so sneaky about it!

Lastly Evans Stop going to CEF!
I don't Ducky ..its Denmans   ...only 1 &1/2 miles away . 

Don't start me on CEF  ..............................!!!!!!!
