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©Honorary Essex Boy™
May 10, 2010
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I have been thinking for a while now to write some basic tutorials for testing and inspections.We do from time to time get some very basic questions that can easily be answered by correct evaluation of test results.

We have also seen from recent posts that EIC"s and PIR's are not filled in correctly.

Mr slims thread, and the recent posting from KME, got me thinking, Now I can tell you I can spot the same mistakes that KME has spotted. I would never presume that I know everything, which is the reason for this thread.

I would like all of you to be a part of these tutorials, If successful I will try to get them condensed and included in the downloads section for new members and students.

If for any reason you think that your question is embarrassing given your on line status I will guarantee that any PM I receive will be treated in the strictest confidence.

We all know the test procedures, but why do we do them tests, when we get spurious results why or what could be the reason, what boxes should I tick when filling in a test report?

Anyway if you think anything should be included in any tutorial would you let me know via this thread or by PM.

Practical examples of testing in the real world would be very welcome, do not worry if your writing and explanation of the procedures are not well written or explained, the example can be used and condensed

The object of these tutorials is to give a reference to testing procedures, and to fully understand all the tick boxes included in the test reports. I will try to explain why each box has a direct or indirect influence on subsequent boxes often ticked without thought.

If you think this would be a welcome addition to the forum then please let me know your views. I would also like some help from some of our specialist members, who work in fields I have very limited expertise.Your input could be a very valuable addition. Whilst most of these topics can be found in reference books what I am looking for is practical on site examples.

Your input would be gratefully welcomed.

Yes yes yes, yes and yes. For someone like myself who seems to do electrical works on a less than frequent basis, I like to try and keep my hand in in between times IYKWIM

A tutorial wud be great in that respect, and also to point out all the bits I miss :blush: Not done any proper full on testing for over a year now, bet it would take me an age to get my head round a results sheet again

Very good idea Manator....

I'm busy today but shall have a think tonight & see what I can contribute.

Some forum members have posted some very good "finds" in the your pictures section and in the black museum, I would like to use some of these as examples with a brief of the testing done to find them, obviously the most apparent would and could be found without testing but you know what I mean.

You can use any of my pictures, no data protection on my part Matey..

Andy I think you did a download or thread about filling in EIC forms if I remember correctly. I will have a look after could be used as a link for any tutorial.

M,FWIW you can use any pics I have uploaded or any more I have here, which are LOADS!

Most of mine are on my website through my flickr account,,, seeing as you want them for educational purposes use them as you like...

That does not give anyone else free reign to use them on their own website though;)

+1Most of mine are on my website through my flickr account,,, seeing as you want them for educational purposes use them as you like...

That does not give anyone else free reign to use them on their own website though ;)
you know you dont mean that. ;)

one thing I think should be included in testing , is when to know it is too dangerous to continue testing, or do any live testing if results are not in order for the dead part.

Ive saw loads of PIRs that have live testing results where very obviously testing should have been stopped at an earlier stage and warning/disconnection notice served.

another very important part would be an explanation to limitations and extent, I often also see NO LIMITATIONs, and extent as 100% or complete installation.

+1 on anything of mine you wish to use for educational purposes (prob for the , dont do it like this parts, :slap )

Some very good points there steptoe which I will take on board, I did a rough draft today and tried to keep it condensed, it looks more like the first chapter of a book than a concise tutorial. I will have to re think the format and break each part into separate sections.

This could turn into a pre draft for a 3rd book by Mr Lynch (Doc).

Mr Lynch (the doctor) is a hero of mine, his understanding and interpretation of the regulations is second to none, I am in a totally different league by my own admission.

I am sure The Doctor will correct any mistakes I make and for those who have not done so I would highly recommend buying his books.

A short update.

I am working through this tutorial with the much appreciated help from Sidewinder who has graciously given up some spare time to proof and correct the tutorial, what I would like is to include examples of found faults, the codes you have given and why. These examples will be your input to the tutorial and whilst not all could be used, your input would be grateful. If you have any pictures of the faults, we could use the link as an aid, so people can actually see what the fault was.

Even if its just a simple fault, the testing method you used to find it could prove very helpfull.

Thank you again, and any help you can give would be great.

In that PIR I called a halt to I found 85 faults before I even started to do any testing....

Photos that I took the other day are at...

"www.nickevanselectrical.co.uk/20110523/1.jpg" though to 67..... Some photos have been deleted so expect the odd 404 error!

i dont mind putting something together for telephone fault finding which i used to do lots of years back

Thanks theory, I will not be including any telephone faults with this PIR, however if you want to post some good tips I am sure our members will find them very useful.

I am on the last pages of the draft, Sidewinder has proof copied for me and had some input into the content, both I and sidewinder have been very busy of late and have fallen behind schedule, however the final proof should be ready by next week. We will then have to decide how to publish for the forum, it is a large document, almost on the scale of a small booklet.I will keep you updated.

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