UK Petrol Diesel Fuel Shortage / Drought - Fuel tanker drivers stirke threat.

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seen a few people queueing up trying to get fuel. never seen any empty stations yet though

doesnt help when the government say people should stock up, including keeping a jerry can at home just incase....

and then backtracking saying they 'didnt know jerry cans hold upto 20ltr'

of course. they just want panic buying to get a little extra in tax for the end of the financial year

Local tesco - the only garage on the island. Ran out this afternoon. Fresh tanker arrives and there are people queueing around the block like 100 cars for goodness sake! whats wron with people THERES NO STRIKE and if there is going to be there will be a weeks notice...

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was made at 21:17 ----------

Mind you think of all the OT theyre getting with all the extra deliveries and

They were queueing at the local Sainsburys at ten o clock last night blocking up the one way system ffs

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 07:57 ---------- Previous post was made at 07:56 ----------

The government are probably just causing all this panic in order to profit from the tax on the fuel. This made me laugh though:

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this whole thing of the govenrement is just a money making excercise. and a con, i think the government knows exactly what they are doing, and i think if the government was to actualy help the small businesses financially then we would at least be able to hold our head above water. but they just seem to want to screw us for every penny we dont have, and yet millionaires seem to get away with every loophole going! this is just so ****. its untrue and im so cheesed off with the whole things now. im thinking of closing if things dont pick up soon.

Things are definately slowing up Badge, not had any quotes to do for a few weeks now for local authority work & domestic work has all but dried up. I do have a load of PAT'ing work to do soon for the council (get to use the new seawards 350)

NICEIC assessment in May could be fun lets look at some of your recent work.............errrm ROTFWL

Talking to others at the trade counter, it would seem the small one man band companies are suffering locally because the larger companies are taking on work at a break even price just to keep trading.

I think we are sliding backwards economically speaking & the clowns at the top (no matter what party they be) have no clue about the every day financial struggle of families.

Oh well back to the rat race, now I've had my moan :p

So what are the petrol queues like today then?

170% increase in sales yesterday, so at that rate it can't be long before everyone's tank and jerry cans are full to the brim and we can get back to normal.

I need to fill my petrol cans for the lawnmower and the boat engine, but I don't want to queue for the privilege, so i'm hoping by next week it will have calmed down.

My car is 3/4 full and I don't have many jobs on over the easter break so no rush to get the car topped up.

I've just about finished the first fix of the new build, that's my only large job so far this year. So back to a handful of small jobs to keep me ticking over for a while until that one is ready to finish, which will be a few weeks.

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Hi all,

When they had the riots last year, the government, well, as swearing is not permitted here, lest just say they were very scared..You see, they have done some dreadful things to "Joe Bloggs" as it were, as well as to the poorest people there are.

Some of the things they have done to the elderly and disabled people are disgusting.

Of course we all know of people "on the sick" with absolutely nothing wrong with them, and they should be jailed, of course they should, but the worst things have been done to those with mental conditions...... horrendous things.

Now, anyone can turn up at the doctors and say "oww, I have a bad back" get a motability car and all the rest, but nothing seems to be done to stop this, the attitude is just, "we cannot prove you have not got a bad back"

I thought that years and years ago they were going to make it so that you could not be "on the sick" unless you were receiving treatment for whatever condition you have. But there are people with mental conditions that are receiving treatment on a daily basis, that also have back up from social services, the local branch of MIND, psychologists, psychiatrists, OT's the lot, but they have just been dumped.....

It is obvious that these people are not "bad back sham'ers" as take it from me, you will not fool a psychiatrist or psychologist, you might do it once, but if you see them several times a week, they will know if you are genuine or not in minutes, never mind weeks... But people with mental conditions are hardly newsworthy, so we can close their hospitals and dump them. They can either go kill themselves or end up in prison.

As it happens, near where i live, there are about 900 people a year that are sectioned, but held in police cells as there is nowhere else to put them. How can it be right that a person that is ill, is locked in a police station...

Meanwhile......the governments friends, the bankers, "how much money you want boys???" LIMITLESS money is given to them.... Why not just make them give it back and solve all problems. They have enough money to pay huge bonuses......They have enough money to pay the government back.

They should have just dumped the banks, compensated "ordinary" people for their savings, and those with a mortgage should have been told that their debt "died" with the bank. All these people would have had all this extra disposible income, there would have been a massive boom. But no, cannot do that.... Why not?? BECAUSE BOTH MR CAMERON AND CLEGG EITHER WORKED, OR HAVE CLOSE RELATIVES THAT WORK IN BANKING AND THE BANKS FUND THEIR PARTY [in more than one sense]

In Iceland they had a referendum and they just dumped the banks. Seen any shortage of fish fingers have we?? No, the only people it hurt were the bankers....

Meanwhile, you say one word about protesting or any form of "insurrection" here, and you WILL be jailed. In fact, they are trying to bring out trials held in secret now, wonder why...

Nope, i will tell you what will happen, everything will continue as normal, the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, and then, it will all kick off in France, then we will see what will happen. The French police will not arrest French people... There will be a few changes then!!!!

How can it be right when government ministers say that, in regards to "tuition fees" that they will ONLY owe about

OK, that's it, I've made up my mind - I'm voting for apprentice87 for Supreme Leader of the World.:worship:worship

Who's with me???

Hey Steps!!

Vote for me and i will make TT systems compulsory!!!

It just goes to show what sort of a world these MP's amd ministers live in when they say things like "instead of getting half a tank of petrol, people should fill it right up" [in todays paper]

They cannot seem to realise that most people drive around "in the red" and struggle to find

Went past the Asda that Jono mentioned earlier - tanker just leaving....I`m on 140 miles to empty, according to the van; so lets get in there.

Queued for about 10 mins - about
Just to add to Apprentice87 ,s post, That suspected terrorist that the European court ordered us to release from jail has now been housed by the council along with his 15 kids . And I assume will be drawing benefits. According to my M8.

No date has been set and dont think they will have the publics backing, average earnings of 45k a year seem ok to me (although I havnt looked in to it too much). As for the bankers funding the tories, who finds the labour party? and who has been quiet. Labour dont have enough balls and money to go against this.

there probably all getting overtime now to catch up with fuel deliveries. supposed to have driving hours extended to 11 hours per day from the usual 9 for the next week
