Wiring a plug......

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Supporting Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Ok, Im fully expecting to get a flaming for this so deep breath....... ;)

How much would you charge to wire a plug? :put the kettle on

Ive been a bit lucky, so I have, in that Ive picked up a little PA testing contract for a local holiday letting firm. Just a few properties a week, I use thier tester so no outlay for that, but buy my own labels. The pay per item aint too bad at all, certainly good enough (not that my pride would let me do otherwise) to do a proper job - i.e. not just a 'sticker it up' job.

So i get paid per test and if theres any failures that are easily and quickly put-rightable, do them there and then and charge accordingly. So far there hasnt been too many, but today I had two, in two diff properties, both were cracked plugtops, so I whipped em off and fitted new ones (bought a box from Denmans but really dont like the cable grabs....oh well, only 18 to go lol)

Now if I was doing a job for a customer and they asked me to swap a plugtop, it'd more than likely go in gratis, but I can see this becoming a common thing so want to set a price here and now before ive done too many of them, cant think what to charge tho. :Blushing

So, how much would you charge to wire a plug? :)

and relax. Let the p*ss taking commence Guinness

You're already there, it's just an extention of your "price per item". I charge an extra 80p per plug, 25p per fuse (3A to replace 13A etc). Swings and roundabouts...

but I wouldnt be as cheap as spring,

how good is your original price?

bit like when I do a PIR, some stuff is included, and some other stuff is included+materials,

couple of quid for a plug, and free fitting, (?), ?

+1 Mrs S or bump your per item price up 50p/75p and do all fuse corrections and plug replacements FREE!! If you on have to change 1-2 out of 10 items you should cover your costs if you don't change any then your quids in :coat

but I wouldnt be as cheap as spring,how good is your original price?

bit like when I do a PIR, some stuff is included, and some other stuff is included+materials,

couple of quid for a plug, and free fitting, (?), ?
I charge

So do these prices include fitting and crimping brass ferrules to the ends of the wires? ;)
:D No, mate, like-for-like replacement so no requirement to fit ferrules. If it's a new cord, now that's a different matter..

Arguing about price per item and price per plug top fitted just serves to show the problems of pricing per item.

Even for PA testing, I like to charge by the hour. That way I don't need to feel pressured if something takes a long time to test, or if I need to make some repairs like fit a new plug or re fit the existing one, or cut out a damaged section of cable on an extension lead etc.

I urge you to try your customers and see if, like most of mine, they will let you price by the hour. I give them an estimate of how many items I would expect to test in an hour, but it's only an estimate. and that estimate varies depending upon what i'm testing, i.e in an office I will test a lot more items an hour, than I will when going through a builders tool kit.

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