Yellow Pages Advert Renewal. Yes Or No?

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I had the call this week as well. The guy seemed totally confused by my assertion that I didn't want any new customers!

I tried explaining I was happy with existing customers and the word of mouth business they generate, but he tried to insist my existing customers would still need to be able to look up my phone number, hence trying to sell me a "minimal presence"

It must be their training.

Oh dear.

I chose not to renew my YP advertising.  I told them that on at least two separate occasions on the telephone.

So I didn't receive an advertising proof and I didn't sign anything to agree any advertising this year.

So in today's post, an invoice for the years advertising "I hope it's working for you" blah blah.

I haven't yet got this year's copy if the yellow pages, so I can't confirm if they went against my wishes and printed the advert or not.

Snotty letter time to tell them that I told them I don't want it, so regardless of whether it's been printed or not, I am not paying for it.

You should have been able to go online and proof read the actual text of the advert..  (even if it remains unchanged)

and on the site it should say which publication(s) its due to go into..

AND the cut-off date for final changes before it actually goes to printing!!

AFAIK The publication dates for different books/regions are staggered throughout the year..

so its not just one global date for the whole country.

But the point is, I told them twice I did not wish to advertise. They never sent me any proofs to read (as in previous years) and they never told me to log in anywhere to check them on line.

So I think I am quite within my rights to tell them to go and whistle.

Oddly, this "invoice" was an original invoice date in March 2013, and a "due by" date of 11th April 2013.  So it looks like a reminder / final demand, but I did not receive a previous one in March.

I hope it's just their "system" has had a hiccup and nothing more. 

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Most advertising, especially YPs, is a waste of time and money. I find the best marketting available is through the local planning department website. All planning applications are published on line with names and addresses, and most websites will allow you to search by post code. A quick, polite letter to the owner planning to build/extend takes less time each week than answering endless calls from the likes of YP's and brings in much more work for the price of a stamp!

I have the same thing Dave , almost,  Mrs Deke phoned to cancell the ad , they said it was all in hand .  Nothing yet in writing to confirm cancellation ....I expect an invoice  TBH .  

Only had 2 calls in 2 years from the ads  , neighbouring areas of the YPs .  One caller wanted me to call and submit a quote .. I said fine ..... OK " we are not here during the day "....... so putting myself out I said I could call around 5 pm .  " No, no the family gets in around then and we prepare for dinner can come between 8.30 and 9.00  but no later as friends are calling round   "    

 Borrowing a line in sarcasm from  brother Kercher   I said "OK   I'll call at midnight when they've gone, shall I"

" Thats ridiculous"

" Yes'nt it " 

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Well times are changing, there was a time not long ago that our yellow pages had at least 6 pages of Electricians/Electrical Contractors.

Got the new book through the door last week only 2 pages this time, that did suprise me.
