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phil d

Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
Reaction score
At our local shop we've had some new staff started, they worked at another shop that was destroyed in an arson attack, they guy who owns the shops has been trying to keep everybody in work rather that let them go so close to Christmas.

There's one woman works there and she's lovely, always pleasant and cheerful, and each time I walk in she has my fags on the counter ready for me. She's just bought a house and is trying to get a few jobs done, but she's a bit short of cash as she's now working part time, I told her I'd nip round and sort a few bits out, she can pay me when she's better off, or just throw me a packet of fags, tbh I'm not bothered.

Anyway just been in and asked how she's getting on as she hasn't rung me, she tells me she managed to sort out the heating herself, she's removed the fused spur feeding the combi and replaced it with a plug and socket, so she can now turn it on with a remote from downstairs as there was no timer for the heating. However, she's now found that she has no hot water unless the heating is on, lol.

Poor girl, she really doesn't understand how a combi works.

I've told her I'll come round and sort the problems out after Christmas, but she's so worried about paying me that she doesn't like asking, honestly, I admire her for not wanting to be seen as a scrounger, but I just wish she'd accept the help on offer, so long as she doesn't go around bragging about it, I'm known as a bit of a scrooge by some, I would hate it if people thought I was going soft in my old age, lol 
