Skyline S5/120 Solar Inverter HELP

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New member
Jun 10, 2024
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Isle of Wight
Can anyone supply information on Skyline inverters?
I have a recent installation of 18 panels (9 with Tigo optimisers) on two roofs. This compliments a Skyline S5/120 inverter and 10kW battery storage.
After paying the initial deposit in Jan, I've finally managed to get the company to install the kit in June. However, after the next stage payment the crew packed up and left. I'm now fighting to get them to return and commission the installation.
The installers have removed all documentation, installation and user manuals and the plugs for the inverter.
Using Solartouch app,
  • I can see all inputs and outputs are at zero.
  • I can also see that the Inverter is in stand-by mode.
  • I have tried emailing Skyline but three email addresses all bounce back as not in use.
  • I can read values but I'm unable to access greyed out areas such as off peak charging time schedules and/or the start stop command.
If anyone has documentation, info or advice they could share it would be appreciated. I've tried to get on-line manuals but no luck yet.

Bit of web searching...
only find one uk company using skyline

If its that one they have 2 phone numbers, silly question, but have u tried calling them give them a chance to put it right?
Has a contact phone no, in Portland Oregano usa has contact details in shenzhen and an email, prob most likely way of getting a manual

Are the installers are registered with uk trade bodies, if so follow up with them?

Skyline is on the ena register, three entries, guessing this one

Contact the police if they've done a runner?
Trading standards?
Companies house will have directors details
did u pay any on credit card? May be poss to get money back thru them if so

Sorry to hear of your woes
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Bit of web searching...
only find one uk company using skyline

If its that one they have 2 phone numbers, silly question, but have u tried calling them give them a chance to put it right?
Has a contact phone no, in Portland Oregano usa has contact details in shenzhen and an email, prob most likely way of getting a manual

Are the installers are registered with uk trade bodies, if so follow up with them?

Skyline is on the ena register, three entries, guessing this one

Contact the police if they've done a runner?
Trading standards?
Companies house will have directors details
did u pay any on credit card? May be poss to get money back thru them if so

Sorry to hear of your woes
I've tried numerous e-mail links and all come back as non reachable. Skyline website is impressive but contact details don't work. I've worked in the building industry as a sparks and control engineer for Trend controls. In 50 years, I've seen many companies go bust. My installers are prime candidates. Yes, at the first sign of trouble, I phoned and made a payment of £110. This covers the whole contract under section 75 of the consumer protection act. I've located one wholesaler on the Island with links to Skyline. So, I'll visit them to see what the company is like. Legal action is the very last resort. Nobody wins in the end. I still have an amount left on the contract price to pay for another commissioning engineer, should it be necessary. Thanks again.
I've tried numerous e-mail links and all come back as non reachable. Skyline website is impressive but contact details don't work. I've worked in the building industry as a sparks and control engineer for Trend controls. In 50 years, I've seen many companies go bust. My installers are prime candidates. Yes, at the first sign of trouble, I phoned and made a payment of £110. This covers the whole contract under section 75 of the consumer protection act. I've located one wholesaler on the Island with links to Skyline. So, I'll visit them to see what the company is like. Legal action is the very last resort. Nobody wins in the end. I still have an amount left on the contract price to pay for another commissioning engineer, should it be necessary. Thanks again.
Sorry, I meant to say that I paid 110 on a credit card to be covered by the consumer protection act.
I've tried numerous e-mail links and all come back as non reachable. Skyline website is impressive but contact details don't work. I've worked in the building industry as a sparks and control engineer for Trend controls. In 50 years, I've seen many companies go bust. My installers are prime candidates. Yes, at the first sign of trouble, I phoned and made a payment of £110. This covers the whole contract under section 75 of the consumer protection act. I've located one wholesaler on the Island with links to Skyline. So, I'll visit them to see what the company is like. Legal action is the very last resort. Nobody wins in the end. I still have an amount left on the contract price to pay for another commissioning engineer, should it be necessary. Thanks again.
Given your background it shouldn't be hard to finish off. Post some pictures. From what you said before the AC connection is done, just need the DC.
Thanks for your reply,
The installer returned today. All guns blazing accusing me of "touching" some of the kit and all warranties are now invalid.
I left him to sort things out with on-line help from the manufacturer. After four hours, it seems there's a problem with the inverter not charging the batteries. I now, at least, have a "semi" working live system but awaiting support from Asia to sort out the battery back up.
While this is being sorted, I'll commission the TIGO optimisers and cloud connect gateway to see what the array (with possible shade) is doing.
Apart from all the grief, I've got to say, I've learnt tons about the solar industry. I'm also better informed about the possible limitations of type AC earth leakage breakers and how we all need to rethink their use.
Amazing, all I wanted to do was install a few solar panels - how hard can that be!!