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  1. springcrocus

    Bad news for Steptoe

    Sorry, Deke, what's the difference? :C
  2. springcrocus

    Chase out or Cavity

    I agree with Albert. You have no control over what happens in the cavity, nor can you adequately support your cables in this space. If, in a couple of years time, the owners decide to have the cavity filled with insulation then your cables may well end up under-rated. Also, it would be...
  3. springcrocus

    working for the local authority.

    If you get the chance, ask him WHERE he did his apprenticeship. If he waffles, which I suspect he will, then you will know he's probably just a chancer trying to bluff his way through life. It's only the insecure who feel the need to lord it over their subordinates.
  4. springcrocus

    Intermittent RCD fault

    It's got to based around interference to the magnetic field. Maybe you were charged up, as in static electricity? Just because your 'driver is insulated, it can still induce a voltage in something. Think about how capacitors/condensers work. Get your client to try the same trick, or wear...
  5. springcrocus

    Old chestnuts of the trade .

    ....because you've done a short course, you're an electrician.
  6. springcrocus

    What exactly is this ?

    Could be the "EAL Domestic Installer" course which sometimes get called the "Part P" course. I believe it is supposed to teach/advise on those parts of electrical work which are directly relevant to the building regs. You get ten marks if you can spell your name properly at the top of the paper...
  7. springcrocus

    strange things going on

    I think Admin3 accepted responsibility in a left-handed way. Seems you have a secret admirer in the States. :^O Better not let Aggie know. ;)
  8. springcrocus

    not looking forward

    Sorry, Batts. :(
  9. springcrocus

    not looking forward

    "Getting serviced" meant something different where I came from. The old lounge carpet, anyone? (as quoted recently, but I forget by whom). :D
  10. springcrocus

    Induction Hobs

    Exactly what I used on my last island worktop install. :Applaud
  11. springcrocus

    Dual Fuel Meter Installer / Fixer interview ...

    First, Gassy, let me offer an apology, we can be a cynical bunch at times. :) The first thing you need to know is that, with electricity, you need to interrupt the source of supply BEFORE you start work. Gas can be allowed to escape to the atmosphere without a problem ( as long as you leave...
  12. springcrocus

    torque screwdrivers- since when?

    :^O Probably, but I have more than enough yellow 77 to last me until I retire. Hoping to off-load some....
  13. springcrocus

    torque screwdrivers- since when?

    Anybody want to buy a load of yellow 77, going cheap? ; \
  14. springcrocus

    torque screwdrivers- since when?

    Torque screwdrivers? Bah! Another nonsense imposed on us. I suppose next year we will all have to have a "British Standard Finger" in our toolboxes to be able to check the accuracy of IP1x apertures in enclosures. The following year, we will all need to find a British Standard Ar*ehole" to...
  15. springcrocus

    Next time....I must remember

    Why are you all ganging up on KME? Has he stopped letting you drink his Guinness ? :D
  16. springcrocus

    Another what code question.

    Well sorry, Prof, but I don't agree that there is potential for danger. Not am I forgetting that the sleeve in not considered as insulation. The cpc / interlink will never be at mains potential EXCEPT under fault conditions (which as I said in my post above, I consider to be an extremely remote...
  17. springcrocus

    Another what code question.

    I've had another read through of all the posts and, although there have been some interesting comments, I still can't agree with any code higher than C3. C1 is for immediately dangerous - well, it's not in my opinion. C2 is for potentially dangerous - The only point that I have seen that could...
  18. springcrocus

    high pfc

    Unmodified consumer units have a blanket cover of 16.5 KA (or so I am led to believe). Something to do with type-testing.
  19. springcrocus

    Auto electrics !!! ....Auto electrics!..... Don't talk to me about Auto Electrics !!

    Maybe I should rephrase that. :D How about jump-lead? Better not say bonding strap, that could get me into all sorts of trouble. :)