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  1. N

    SY cable glands

    oldtimespark, The GXD type, yes I use them all the time, carry them as van stock, they are a pain in the ar*e, however, when done correctly they offer good mechanical strength which is an advantage in the areas I normally work in! Paul
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    A few from my machinery visits

    I do! That's my point!
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    A few from my machinery visits

    Seen that used too to repair such things! Paul
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    Periodic certs for commercial use.

    Ahh! Soorry Deke, Andy has given you the answer I think? Paul:D
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    A few from my machinery visits

    External influence BE2 my friend!
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    A few from my machinery visits

    A few pitcures from the things I find regularly when I visit customers premises to fix machines. I'll post a few now and again. Some will be 7671 discrepanices, others 60204, we can try spot the error on a few! ;) These are a few years old now. Paul
  7. N

    cable boxes and NAG3

    Someone will crack it they always do. Rumour has it that it has already been done, just not found its way to these shores yet! Research only undertaken for educational purposes! ;)
  8. N

    Periodic certs for commercial use.

    Evans, Search the web for Adobe Acrobat Reader and download that, simples & sorted ;)
  9. N

    How to work out csa of cable

    Rev, There is also the situation with stranded cores where one has to measure (obtain) the diameter of each strand, calculate the area of the individual strand, A=((Pi*D^2)/4), then multiply this by the number of strands to get the area of the individual conducting core. Paul
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    commercial door bell

    [quote name='Andy
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    tri-rated cable

    Peeps, The "tri-rated" bit refers to it meeting British Standards, American Standards & Canadian Standards. It is most common in machinery applications. The fine strands make it more flexible and more immune to vibration damage. I ALWAYS use it as the final connection to vibrating...
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    Line Diagram

    You have mail. Paul.
  13. N

    Line Diagram

    revjames, Is it the 2391-20 (old 2400) project? If so I'll look up what diagrams I did in my project (passed) a few yeras ago if you want. 2 storey shop stores upstairs. I have it in MS Word & pdf, as a complete project in one document 322 pages including supplementary information! I'd...
  14. N

    Lockout device

    I bit the bullet and bought a couple of these type: from my local Edmundsons. My customers demand "propper" lock out kits! Work OK and have everything we have needed to date.
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    DNO problems

    mike, It may be a TNS head, but, is the install TT? My own home has what appears to be a TNS head, but we are TT. Get the DNO out it should not cost and get comfirmation of the situation and then go from there? Paul
  16. N

    is this make trustable for proving something is dead

    Doubtful you'll ever see an accurate DMM go to 0V unless it is connected to the same potential with no real distance between the leads, these days they are so sensitive that they can pick up the EM filed form HF lighting! Put both probes on a N bar, 0V, put one on the E bar and on elsewhere...
  17. N

    Hello from South Wales...

    Naahhh, Jack boyo! So seeing other posts did you do your 301 etc. in NPTC or SwanColl? Paul
  18. N

    is this make trustable for proving something is dead

    IIRC The HSE guide to EAWR (or similar, all, my books, are still in the office tonight) specifically prohibits the use of a multi function meter which is capable of being used on the incorrect range for proving safe isolation. Mind it may be ESC guidance etc. but there is a "quasi official"...
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    cooker isolation

    spinlondon, Yes sorry you are right EAWR89, when I re-read my post in the light of yours, I had a DOH! moment! So yes EAWR89 kicks in as soon as someone comes to work at the house. Paul