I think once again this thread has been useful, and shown that assumptions are indeed often misplaced. We have had these discussions before, and no doubt will have them in the future. This thread has now run its usefulness, and I thank all posters who replied, I would especially like to thank Theorysparky and PC Electrics, both of them have given us more food for thought and have stood up for their right to be acknowledged as electricians, I personaly have respect for anyone who can stand toe to toe and defend their position.
There is still and always will be snobbery within this trade, I have yet to meet an electrician who does not think he is better than me, never mind how you came into the industry. Its all down to knowing what you can and can not do, I do not do domestics, but have for many years been registered with the NICEIC has a domestic installer, it helps when I do commercial properties which are multi used buildings. I could train an electrician, time served or 5WW, in a day or so to do what I do, but I would always try to dissuade them saying its far to difficult and nothing like BS7671.
Reading through the thread reminds me of how I first reacted to the news that people could do a few weeks course and become electricians, however when you talk to people like PC Electrics, and Theorysparky you begin to realise that there is a place for these people, and they have individually shown on far too many occasions to be equal to electricians just like me.
With reference to 3 phase and JIB cards, all I can say is that 3 phase is not difficult I indeed prefer it as a distribution supply, and find it my prefered feild of working, but can easily work with single phase supplies, limited has they are. I had JIB card in fact I had two, one was for my normal trade classification as an approved electrician, and because of a job I had I had a gold managers card, which I never re applied for, I have not held a card for years, but it does not stop me from having design meetings with electrical engineers and CIBSE engineers, and I am classed as their equal. If I had Theorysparky or PC Electrics with me for a week I bet I could put any one of them into a meeting and they would stillbe equal to these engineers.
The only time anyone should get on their high horse, is when they become aware of workmanship that is poor, be it from a 5WW or a time served electrician. Just has its been pointed out, there are good and bad in all. As for comments on how 5WW could only install parrot fashion cables, so to speak, I doubt some do, but I also suspect that some know exactly why they install them, and can do the verification calculations to make sure its right. As for 5WW not knowing how to decipher test results, I suspect some do not, but a larger part of them know exactly how to do this.
Experiance is the key, and its taken me a long long time to know whats what without looking at a book, eventually with experiance comes complatency, again I have been a victim of this and still bear the really bad scars to prove it. ( Previous post about my electric shock).
To finish off, thanks again to PC Electrics and Theorysparky for providing proof that some so called 5WW are indeed justified electricians.