Birmingham clean air Zone delayed .

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Site doesn't work that tells you if your car is compliant or not .    So we have to go to the London  Clean Air site .      And apparently compliant cars  here & London  are non compliant in Leeds . 

Phone call to local radio......  "My car was non compliant  .....  but now that my personalised number plates have come  , car is now compliant "   :C    

I didn’t realise that we needed to check with local radio as well, I thoughts that advice was because the advert for the scheme were on there :C  

Am I glad I live out in sticks!! 

Wonderful  ,  you couldn't make it up .  
The other one I read about was on a classic vehicle site.  Someone had a restored trolley bus.  But a trolley bus needs an overhead pantograph.  So to drive it to shows, he tows a trailer with a diesel generator on it.  the diesel generator legally runs on red diesel,  it's classed as an electric vehicle so £0 road tax, and is allowed into the low emission zones.

My mind works in a certain way  ,  I see the council forming a "Clean Air Zone "   in Brum .  This is inside our Inner Ring Road   so we are creating a privileged zone for the elite who live & work within the Inner Ring Road .   

My mind says .........what about the rest of us ?      Why is it not created within the Outer Ring Road  to include more citizens in this utopian zone .   

My mind also says .......  all the Non compliant  vehicles will be filling the Inner Ring Road  , crawling around , belching their foul ,  deathly fumes  which will be drifting across the into the land of the beautiful people in the centre.    

They don't think about that Binky ,  OK its outside the Inner Ring Road   but I'd guess the amount of pollution coming off there  would drift  the  3  or 4 miles  into the Clean Air Zone .    Certainly off the Aston Distressway .   Anyone coming off the Motorway heading for the City Centre  in their diesel powered car  will be bowling up the Distressway  , straight into the Clean Air Zone  without knowing ,  cameras flashing and a fine through the letterbox  next week  .     Welcome to sunny Brum. 

yep  :slap .

Truth is, it's greener to maintain an old vehicle and keep it running than build a brand new one. OK particle emmissions aren't good, but I also have a theory......  The older vehicles weren't strangled by noise limits, so can be tuned to be more efficient, also, all the extra ****e like side impact bars etc etc makes modern vehicles ruddy heavy, so burn more fuel. I remember an old Top Gear episode were gob****e Clarkson was making the comment about the new rounder shape BMW 3 series being 20 stone heavy than the old squareish shape it replaced - that's a lot of extra weight to lug around, so that's a lot of fuel burn't.  So if we take out all the safety ****e, and stop stranggling engines then vehicles would do a lot more MPG than they currently do? 

They don't think about that Binky ,  OK its outside the Inner Ring Road   but I'd guess the amount of pollution coming off there  would drift  the  3  or 4 miles  into the Clean Air Zone .    Certainly off the Aston Distressway .   Anyone coming off the Motorway heading for the City Centre  in their diesel powered car  will be bowling up the Distressway  , straight into the Clean Air Zone  without knowing ,  cameras flashing and a fine through the letterbox  next week  .     Welcome to sunny Brum. 
I was on that road a couple of weeks ago got there from N Wales in 2.5 hours, then spent a whole hour doing the remaining 4 miles.

You have it in a nutshell there  Revo  .   The Midlands Links Motorways are constantly crawling across three lanes .  There is so much traffic in this country now ...thousands of trucks thundering past Brum  day & night   .   Thats why I thought the  HS2  would be better as a goods highway .   The most minor hitch in traffic round here causes massive tail backs that last all day .

Every inch of parking space in the city seems to have a vehicle on it .   

In my area they fight for a parking space every evening  , with many houses having  four vehicles ...........  but for reasons of being lazy bleeders they ignore the fact that every house has  three parking spaces off road .      I think theres an element  of  " I bought a £30,000  car and I want you  all to see it outside my house. "  

You have it in a nutshell there  Revo  .   The Midlands Links Motorways are constantly crawling across three lanes .  There is so much traffic in this country now ...thousands of trucks thundering past Brum  day & night   .   Thats why I thought the  HS2  would be better as a goods highway .   The most minor hitch in traffic round here causes massive tail backs that last all day .

Every inch of parking space in the city seems to have a vehicle on it .   

In my area they fight for a parking space every evening  , with many houses having  four vehicles ...........  but for reasons of being lazy bleeders they ignore the fact that every house has  three parking spaces off road .      I think theres an element  of  " I bought a £30,000  car and I want you  all to see it outside my house. "  

Thats why I always leave my car in the hotel car park and UBER everywhere when I'm down there... :(

yep  :slap .

Truth is, it's greener to maintain an old vehicle and keep it running than build a brand new one. OK particle emmissions aren't good, but I also have a theory......  The older vehicles weren't strangled by noise limits, so can be tuned to be more efficient, also, all the extra ****e like side impact bars etc etc makes modern vehicles ruddy heavy, so burn more fuel. I remember an old Top Gear episode were gob****e Clarkson was making the comment about the new rounder shape BMW 3 series being 20 stone heavy than the old squareish shape it replaced - that's a lot of extra weight to lug around, so that's a lot of fuel burn't.  So if we take out all the safety ****e, and stop stranggling engines then vehicles would do a lot more MPG than they currently do? 


All these motors and gubbins to open & close the boot hands-free....

Or parallel park hands-free are completely unnecessary weight and manufacturing costs + carbon footprint.....



quick question..... what's Gravelley Hill and Erdington like???

My daughter is thinking of moving there in the Summer 
Is she changing to Aston University  ?     Or is it a change of Student Let ?  

Erdington  & Gravelly Hill   .   I'd say it was similar to Selly Oak   with  rental properties , flats , houses into flats  etc  but plenty of owned properties too .  

Both areas are a mixture of white working class /white   middle class   , some parts of Erdington are very middle class  ... theres  a  fair amount of immigration but not massive, I think more from the EU  ,  fairly   low for Asians I 'd say .  West Indian  quite low .  

Where Erdington meets  the Chester Road  has very nice middle class housing   and the area gets a little grotty in places  as you go towards the City .      

Gravelly Hill itself has many large Victorian houses ,    it leads down to below Spaghetti Junction  and up to  Erdington High Street . 

The High Street is a bit past it's sell by date now , but is busy , still plenty of shops .  

The area is unlike Selly Oak in that the student population would be much lower ,  as you'd know , the main road through Selly Oak / Northfield  has many student pubs etc .  Not the case in Erdington . Gravelly Hill .       I've done a few jobs around the side roads where  houses were student lets  .  

I would't call it a scary  area  to be honest .   We had an office in Erdington some years ago .  Its busy , lot of traffic  ,  the Outer Circle (No.11) bus route goes through it .    

Parking , like anywhere is carp .    

Its not the best locality  for Birmingham University to be honest .    And like any city , best not to be walking about alone , at night .  

Areas NOT to be living in / or to visit :- 



Alum Rock 

Washwood Heath  


Erdington photos  , two types of housing  & High Street 




You have it in a nutshell there  Revo  .   The Midlands Links Motorways are constantly crawling across three lanes .  There is so much traffic in this country now ...thousands of trucks thundering past Brum  day & night   .   Thats why I thought the  HS2  would be better as a goods highway .   The most minor hitch in traffic round here causes massive tail backs that last all day .

Every inch of parking space in the city seems to have a vehicle on it .   

In my area they fight for a parking space every evening  , with many houses having  four vehicles ...........  but for reasons of being lazy bleeders they ignore the fact that every house has  three parking spaces off road .      I think theres an element  of  " I bought a £30,000  car and I want you  all to see it outside my house. "  
My son lives in Moseley, pays a fortune to rent a tiny 2 bed house. Not a bad area but as you say every house has 3 cars or vans! Its unbelievable. I pulled up and there was a space within 100 yards of his front door and it felt like I'd won the lottery! 
