Bonding question

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Senior Member
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Hi guys,

With respect to green hornet's answer, I'd like a couple more opinions on this scenario please.

I'm copying and pasting from the eleectricians talk 'elecsa' thread, hopefully I can put it together like a jigsaw puzzle Pray :D

Cheers in advance.

Had my assessment today... had a non conformance!

Basically took him to see a small job (utility room ext, SWA to small cu, 1 ring 3 outlets, 1 light 2 outlets) and I'd changed the CU in main house. I & T and cert, building notice already paid due to builders, no probs.

Basically the kitchen had been altered since I was there, gas meter also moved, so main bonds were no longer visible at clamp, kitchen end.

Do you think it will be alright if I run a (single) 10mm earth to external white box gas meter (and loop off to new sink/hot/cold directly behind white box inside) from my new mini CU in the utility room, that is fed by a 10mm 3 core SWA from main CU?

Effectively I'm proposing to use the 10mm earth core of the SWA for the first part of the run of a new main bond, whilst also using it to supply the earth path for the mini CU.

2nd part of the run to be a new 10mm earth (single).

Short answer would be no.Main bonding should be stright through to the main earthing terminal for the instalation.

What you propose is to "piggy back" the bonding.

If you do that you have connected the bonding to a cpc of a circuit.
Thanks Green Hornet.

I hear you, I just thought it was arguable whether the SWA is a circuit in it's own right, or just no more than meter tails effectively.

It could of course be argued that every installation is just ONE circuit seeing as there is a main fuse covering all branches from... :|

I now can't tell what has happened to the gas meter end of that particular main bond, as it's lost behind the new kitchen units, and they would require dismantling to gain access.

The water main bond is also in this area, I have in fact since my first post managed to blindly grab this and pull it, unfortunately i've pulled it clean out, I don't think the kitchen fitters had clamped it on properly. To further complicate things this is in the complete opposite corner of the room to the sink position now, with a large conservatory to go around if I take that route.

One thing you should remember and I often tell the customer that the bonding clamp has to have access for testing and verification of connection, and should not be covered by the back of a sink unit etc etc.

One thing you should remember and I often tell the customer that the bonding clamp has to have access for testing and verification of connection, and should not be covered by the back of a sink unit etc etc.
This is exactly what my non compliance/conformance is, you can't see the clamps now the kitchen fitters have been in and done their thing.

Although the gas meter move isn't the kitchen fitters fault I suppose.

Shouldn't the gas board have left at least a note saying bonding disconnected, you need to re-arrange connection by a qualified blah blah blah?

I wouldn't call you a Blah, Blah, Blah, Mate. :D

So, you want to go direct from your submain to the Gas and then directly to the Water?

So what's wrong with that? Nothing that I can see. As long as it is one continuous length. (As I tink you are suggesting?).

With regards to the "Is is it alright if I come off of the Submain, which is supplied with a 10mm

am I hearing right,?

you want to use the cpc of the 10mm2 SWA as a main bond?

the clue is in the description, cpc.

IMHO it is a massive NO NO.

it will deffo require a separate 10mm run back to the MET, you can of course use the same 10mm for both water and gas if you wish so long as it remains unbroken, a thru crimp could be used to achieve this.

not quite sure where it is, but somewhere you will find something similar to the following.

"money or inconvenience is of no consequence in leaving the electrical installation safe"

hope Im making sense. Albert

Ive just read green hornets response, and I agree with him. sorry.

you have a sub main, it would appear to be viable to take the MEB back to the Earth bar in your sub board, but your MET is not at that board, its at the source, your main CU.

Thanks guys.

I remedied it today, oops yesterday now lol, ran a new 10mm round the conservatory, drilled through the wall and crimped it onto the old 10mm (gas main one probably) took pics done a continuity test first on the old 10mm sent it off to ElecSa now fingers crossed PrayPray

edit: pray needs a capital

Took Pics?

Chuck them on here, let's have a look. :)

Just a further update... ElecSa phoned back this afternoon and said my remedial is accepted!


I'm now a competent person y'know... :D

Chuck pics on where? admin?

Just a further update... ElecSa phoned back this afternoon and said my remedial is accepted!Yey!!

I'm now a competent person y'know... :D

Chuck pics on where? admin?
there's a forum for pics but you can add them to any thread. Link to a free account or click on the picture icon when replying

?:| I'm confused now :( ?:|

Am I the only one that gets the pics up when I click on the link that I've posted? Because it's my home page?
