Can a non time served (short course) person call themselves an Electrician

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But who says you NEED to "fix" this.You did an apprenticeship, you are qualified, so why don't you just continue? Who is saying you can't, forcing you over the Irish Sea?
Hi ProDave,

Unless they change their policy, I have to be graded down to labourer. It would stop you on site getting sparky wages. I am moving to Ireland is just one more excuse!

I have two different gradings for the JIB, I have however not renewed my card for some tears now. I do not see the point, after the introduction of Part P and the ability to grade on a few weeks training to QS level for some who have a very limited history just proved to me that the JIB have lost their way.

They do however hold all the information on your training,. and have access to the City and Guilds, so that they can grade according to your training.

I have lost/misplaced all my certificates and have recently found out that to replace them would cost me in the region of

Alan,Where abouts are you going over there?

Like I have said before, Ireland is a beautiful country with great people and a nice laid back way of life,,,,, but there aren't any jobs unfortunately:O

My inlaws often say to us to go over there to live if it gets too bad over here,, but there's nothing over there either
Hi Noz,

I am going to a town called Newbliss in Co. Monaghan initially (free B&B with Polly, my kid sis). I am joining RECI and working the local area as a sparky. I am also commuting back to blighty, doing bits of teaching stuff.

I am not sure where I shall end up but I fancy Co Donegal around a town called Quigleys point...

The main reason we are bailing out is that my oldest daughter and three grandsons got abandoned by her waster of a husband. We want to keep the family together and 5 bed monsters are freely available in this perhaps..

Rooskey, Whitecastle, Co. Donegal Residential

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I still believe that the thread can only be solved by a third party.... One guy says he is a spark, the other says " no you are not"

The JIB should be a mandatory requirement....Everyone will know their place and not be punching above their weight. Me? I will happily take the pay cut as a brand new labourer and utter those words I long to say... " Where do you want me to knock this hole out boss...."

And I will donate my fully operational eyeballs to any colour blind 5WW guys out there :) Just joking.... ROTFWL

I hope your daughter realises that whilst most males are indeed imbeciles, some of us are genuine and not to lose faith in finding a soul partner.

Unfortunately, the horse has already bolted!!! It will take someone with brass cohorns to say enough is enough, we will introduce a license and if you don't cut the cloth the right way, you won't get one!! It would certainly irk the CPS providers but would be a great coming lol I think I will start one, think I will call it 'OHM Safe' :)

Hi All,Crikey, some read this! And now for my twopeneth...

Me I served a full indenture, got me A and B to become 'approved'

I later did my 2400 and am now a 'technician'

I have also taught for 10 years now and been writing a little. I have met a lot of people on my travels and must say the thread is hard to solve. All i am going to say is what I always say in class...

Electrician is not defined anywhere and worse is a very 'broad church'

I believe the only credible way out is for all men to be forced to hold a JIB card and make it the JIB's call on the grading. Perhaps there should be a 'domestic installer' grade.

Me? My JIB card runs out in spring and I too am going down to labourer as I dont hold an NVQ3:yellow card

I have made enquiries to fix this... I have to sign on as an adult apprentice. I am taking the easy way out and moving to Eire in August. I have contacted the Irish RECI outfit and sent copies of my expiring quals.... they say they are more than happy with me! Just need a job now...

Au revoir then:C
Oh please, not this tired old **** again - the JIB only exists to further the interests of Unite The Union and the ECA - it has nothing to do with serving the interests of the public.

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Oh please, not this tired old **** again - the JIB only exists to further the interests of Unite The Union and the ECA - it has nothing to do with serving the interests of the public.
And your alternative vision is professional? Yes I know it has held tradesmens wages down for years, but it is a national recognised grading scheme. As to the original argument as to whether the 5WW chap is a spark or not, let the JIB decide.... He would get an 'improver' grade. as i said I have no NVQ so I am to be a labourer.. So be it.

as I said to you doctor, NO, the JIB have since reneged to me and said I could have a 'trade' [electrician I assume] on 10years evidence,

as an aside, F the JIB, have the government introduce a licence, and no, the JIB is NOT a licence, they will be just like the scams and everyone with 25

as I said to you doctor, NO, the JIB have since reneged to me and said I could have a 'trade' [electrician I assume] on 10years evidence,as an aside, F the JIB, have the government introduce a licence, and no, the JIB is NOT a licence, they will be just like the scams and everyone with 25
doc, sorry, the written word often doesnt convey the unspoken thought properly,

what I meant was, dont use the partP/JIB scenario as an excuse to move,

you need to have it in your heart to move, otherwise it will never be successful,

I know you have your other personal reasons for moving, but are they for the right reasons?

I know the intentions are good, but is the lifestyle for everyone?

over 20years since I first came to England, and a lot of other places in between, and I still dont feel that I 'fit in' in England, the lifestyle is all wrong for me,

I dont know what it is, but its not for me, and I dont feel it ever has been,

Ive now been here for 5 solid years without leaving, and I dont like it,

wouldnt ever tell the wife that though, she was born here, but its a completely different lifestyle to what I have had everywhere else throughout my life,.

doc, sorry, the written word often doesnt convey the unspoken thought properly,what I meant was, dont use the partP/JIB scenario as an excuse to move,

you need to have it in your heart to move, otherwise it will never be successful,

I know you have your other personal reasons for moving, but are they for the right reasons?

I know the intentions are good, but is the lifestyle for everyone?

over 20years since I first came to England, and a lot of other places in between, and I still dont feel that I 'fit in' in England, the lifestyle is all wrong for me,

I dont know what it is, but its not for me, and I dont feel it ever has been,

Ive now been here for 5 solid years without leaving, and I dont like it,

wouldnt ever tell the wife that though, she was born here, but its a completely different lifestyle to what I have had everywhere else throughout my life,.
no probs steptoe... where you from then?

Me? I have always wanted to go but the rest were reticent. Now? It is the place to get that 5 bed mansion for the price of a 2-bed terraced here.. the family have discussed it and decided to go for it....


Im originally from Co Antrim doc, and even in the north it is an entirely different lifestyle to England,

I was working in near london at age 17, and been a lot of other places since,

I couldnt/wouldnt want to go back though, if you think there is no work in England you really havent realised just what a dire state Ireland[north or south] is in,

most of my friends[that have some work] are maybe lucky to be doing 3 day weeks.

might be different for you though, especially if you have some capital from selling a house here to take with you.

good luck

Moving to another country has to be the most stressful thing I have endured! I myself are torn between a life here or there! My wife is very homesick and our next decision has to be the right one, both emotionally and financially!! I admit moving back to England was more of a knee jerk reaction as I was ill, but several years later my feelings of being home are just a mindset! What I know, sorry if I tend to ramble, is that moving should be for all the right reasons, one doubt will compound any regrets you will have later! :)

Im originally from Co Antrim doc, and even in the north it is an entirely different lifestyle to England,I was working in near london at age 17, and been a lot of other places since,

I couldnt/wouldnt want to go back though, if you think there is no work in England you really havent realised just what a dire state Ireland[north or south] is in,

most of my friends[that have some work] are maybe lucky to be doing 3 day weeks.

might be different for you though, especially if you have some capital from selling a house here to take with you.

good luck
My son (21) is spending 3 weeks in Castlerock where his girlfriend lives who he hooked with at Uni here, he's been there a week now and not heard a peep out of him. I will be interested to hear what he thinks as I have never been to Ireland, but always wanted to sample some fresh water fishing there,friends of mine go there every year, but say fishing is now not like it used to be, lower catches and all that for some reason.

My take on this, i served an apprentiship in South Africa and went to a trade school so have been doing electrical work from the age of 14 i am now 38

My apprentiship lasted 4 years and i spent 2weeks in college in which i learnt nothing everything was taught to me on site.

And the only way to become an electrician is to do a trade test through an apprentiship it is also against the law to do electrical work if you are not a spark so there is no diy electrical work done you only get two tries at the trade test and if you dont pass you look for a new job and can never become a spark

I concider myself an electrician but still dont know everything and still have to phone the tech guys at NIC from time to time the only way i concider myself a time served electrician is the years i have spent doing it.

If the 5 week course is no good and the guys cant call themselves electricians then why do they have them i think it is a failing by the goverment to allow it to happen and not pushing for more apprentiships

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My son (21) is spending 3 weeks in Castlerock where his girlfriend lives who he hooked with at Uni here, he's been there a week now and not heard a peep out of him. I will be interested to hear what he thinks as I have never been to Ireland, but always wanted to sample some fresh water fishing there,friends of mine go there every year, but say fishing is now not like it used to be, lower catches and all that for some reason.
apparently the Bann, and the lower Bann is a good fishing river, but many a long long year since I fished it, used to fish it for eel as a kid,

fried eel is a very good delicacy to be tried at least once in your life, but it needs to be cooked properly, especially the skinning.

that, and Antrim Steak, :D

I miss both. :|

It is an interesting phenomenon that most decent electricians are very much aware of how much that they don't know about the trade. I have always seen that so called "fast track" electricians have the need to tell anyone, who will listen, how much knowledge they do know about the electrician trade. The movement of the companies that are involved in the huge financial gain by training electricians in the shortest time possible, is to promote how qualified their electrician graduates are. They are very biased towards valuing academic electrical qualifications and undermining the importance of the traditional time served electrician who has many years of experience on the tools.The experience gained by the electrician who has been through a 4 year apprenticeship, JIB graded, and with 5 - 25 years in the field is priceless. The training companies cannot sell this, so they devalue it and claim that a 6 month "qualified" electrician, with a ton of city and guilds certificates, is the better electrician.The huge amount of self employed "electricians" running around in their brand new vans, claiming as much knowledge as Tesla, are putting the general public at risk. They are protected by the flimsy "competent" description in BS7671, which is only designed to flood the market with cheap labour.

I am very much a pro 4 year apprenticeship, but offered to men and women of any age. I would also put more weight on the JIB grading scheme to replace the current "competent" scheme. Age should not be a restriction to serving one's time and paying one's dues.

Has anyone seen the flyer with their NICEIC annual bill yet??

Coming soon,, get a GOLD JIB card so long as you've passed 3 annual assessments for those who haven't done a NVQ

I'll have to see if I can get one ;)
