Consumer unit regulations

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Junior Member
Feb 19, 2011
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Just come back from pricing a kitchen and the client has asked me if it would be possible to mount the consumer unit inside a cuboard vertically instead of the normal horizontal.

The kitchen is cramped and he doesnt want it taking up more room than it has to.

The board will be a HAGER 5+5

Is their any regulations regarding this matter.

P.s not completly happy about the matter myself but strive to meet the clients wishes.

Thanks. Ryan

Gonna be doing the same myself in a couple of weeks time. Using a Hager 12w hi-int board, will only go if I mount it sideways. Done it a few times before anyway.

It does look odd, but obviously put your labels on so the writing is horizontal (where you can).

One does wonder why no-one makes a 'half width' TPN type board for this application. There must be loads of places where such a board is the only way to replace an old wylex 4w.

You might have something there PC. It normally costs a mint to squeeze a tiny board in the space of an old wooden wylex with just a main switch and 5 or so rcbo's....
