Dno Question

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Mad Inventor™
Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2011
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I had the DNO out yesterday as I had a BS1361 fuse casing with a damn great crack round it. I rang on the basis of "damage to their equipment". I noted on my EICR a couple of other bits too:

- Head fuse cover casing cracked

- Tails from head to meter though circa 25mm sq. are not double insulated

- N tail from fuse had great long split in it exposing the copper

- TN-S, lead sheathed incoming and I've noted the earth connection is jut a piece of old 7-strand imperial, uninsulated with a bit of sleeving over it wrapped round and roughly soldered back on itself. 

The property is empty btw and will have a new CU shortly. They came out pronto and it was a nice young lad in his early 20's. He mentioned he was basically a "first responder".Looking at the fuse and my EICR he stated that in his opinion there was nothing wrong either electrically or mechanically with the broken fuse case. And anyway the thing was so old he wouldn't have a replacement etc. I took him to task and quoted the ESQCR and he didn't appear to know what it was!

He proceeded to cut the seals and remove the fuse cover. Where it was cracked before he presents it to me in two pieces with "It fell apart in my hands!". He then started to cut back the N tail with the split sheath with a view to putting it back. I raised the double insulation issue, he has a think and then dives off to the van for some new tails. The now 2-piece fuse cover goes back in and gets wrapped in copious layers of black tape. He leaves with the comment "It's all quite safe...........I wouldn't leave it like it if it wasn't..............BUT what I'll do is report it and we'll send you a letter.........we'll then come back and replace the complete head...........I'll get them to look at the earth as well!" Off he goes, no paperwork nothing.

When I've looked the seals he has put on the fuse and meter are not even numbered - look like standard "eBay" jobbies that he's closed with a pair of side cutters.

Just all seemed "odd". Last bloke I had out from the same DNO (in his 50's I'd guess) had numbered seals and I even had a follow up phone call from the DNO as to was I happy with the job etc. This youngster seemed a bit all over the place in what he was doing etc.

Maybe I'm too fussy................or just old!  :lol:

When I asked "when" reference the head being changed I got "Six weeks............might be one week...........". With the faffing over the tails he just didn't seem to "see" the double standard of it all. It's safe.............but needs to be changed etc.

Using the non numbered seals got me though. For the DNO I was quite shocked. Basically they were these maybe a bit more shiny, 12mm long:


Will take some pics.

Report it again as faulty and DANGEROUS

Hopefully next time you will get an older, more experienced chap turn up.

Which DNO?

But a TIP.

Do your CU change first, fit new tails from your CU to the meter.  Then the next DNO guy that comes can re seal the meter, which wasn't sealed when you got there :innocent

Report it again as faulty and DANGEROUS

Hopefully next time you will get an older, more experienced chap turn up.

Which DNO?

But a TIP. :innocent

Do your CU change first, fit new tails from your CU to the meter.  Then the next DNO guy that comes can re seal the meter, which wasn't sealed when you got there :innocent
 UKPN. Not really looking to get the lad in trouble. I am about to email them to confirm that they visited etc. As HE left no paperwork/record of the visit etc and equally to put it on record so the thing doesn't get left.

Hopefully he will have gone and looked up the ESQCR. Also the next time he comes across tails that are not double insulated he won't think twice about replacing them. I was going to bat on about the exposed neutral and that it's not unknown for the supply polarity to have been reversed to the lad but where to stop etc.

The last DNO guy on a job (about 10 miles away so maybe different depot) was spot on. Weird the difference in approach.

I hope you're NOT suggesting Amelie makes a visit? On a totally unconnected subject what a joy Hager cu's are to work with and test!  :innocent

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Well done Onoff! ;)

You got my point!

Pedantic, I know, but then that is what I am paid to be by almost all of my clients! ;)
Next time I'll try and remember to say "insulated and sheathed"!

...........mind you, there was a time when I thought I'd NEVER use "cpc" in a sentence!  :lol:

Some weeks back I posted on here about a dodgy service head I had discovered,


Well the customer contacted WPD who sent someone out, I don't know any detail on age etc but he was reluctant to interfere saying it all looked ok. He was told by the customer that I had raised concerns over it so he offered to put some green and yellow tape over the earth conductor ignoring the neutral.

When  on site I rang WPD who sent a young lad within 45 minutes, saw it saw the problem and changed the head there and then.

Same company, same site different attitudes.

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never seen ukpn use numbered seals in domestic equipment some have intials, but their sub contractors freedom use plain ones, then you have to consider all the meter operators and their subcontractors.  

also only ever had paperwork on new supplies, none for callouts and service moves.

Gotta be a subby using those seals surely? We have seals with tags on them and numbered crimps issued to individuals.

A little update.................the DNO came back today (well their subbie) and changed the head etc. I wasn't there but a couple of young lads apparently. Now I might be wrong but I think they might have forgotten something................


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Isn't the neutral sleeve cut back a bit far?
The first lad did that............the one who taped up the cracked case. Line sheath is cut back by the same amount too. Talk about taking good materials and f****ing them up! Makes you wonder what the point is of the sheath!

It's no wonder the fair Amelie has to follow these "professionals" up!

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