Economy 10

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Feb 18, 2008
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Just wondering when doing new build with E10 tarrif whether I need 2 consumer units or just 1?

Usually the circuits that are supplied on the cheaper tariff

have their own consumer unit.  These are things like the

hot water and/or heating circuits and these are only turned

on when the time switch clicks over and turns on the cheap


Economy 10 is not available from all distributors but you may

already know this.

Thanks for the reply, so in case of building with 3 separate flats I need 2 sub mains to each? Im familiar with E7 setups but have never done E10

Surely each flat has it's own electricity meter?

That's the point it splits in two.  These days the dual rate meter and time switch are all in one unit, so you would have two sets of tails to two CU's from each dual rate meter.

New electricity northwest supply is coming to communal entrance of the flats where it will be split into 4 seperate supplies ( 3flats 1 landlord) each flat will have its own CU in each flat fed from switch fuse. I know I could feed an off peak CU through a time clock and contactor (or timed contacts from meter).

I guess what im asking is what suppliers equipment is installed, do they provide a contactor or are we supplying that side?

What they (well SSE at least) install now is a dual rate meter with the time switch all in one unit.

It has two outputs, one on all the time, and one only on during the cheap rate periods.

You could run both up to each flat, but that would need 2 switch fuses per flat.

You are under no obligation to use the switched output from the meter. In your case it might well be cheaper and simpler to run just one supply up and "re create" the off peak supply with a timer and contactor.  Just make sure your timer is set to the same times as the off peak periods and synchronised to the "meter time" (one of the display options as you cycle the display is the time of day)

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