The whole report is below - it came with a cover letter that warns of Urgent issues and a cost of 985GBP +VAT to resolve, lots of warnings about fines etc. but nothing on the actual work required. Only when i pushed them on it did they come back with the very vague responses.
My last note to them was to ensure they spelled out what they were claiming so i can get a second opinion and lodge a complaint if necessary - the whole thing just smells of work generation unfortunately. Note and response is blow:
Hi ,
So should the report be amended as it does not tally, and I really want to understand the issue that requires attention.
This report is saying that the current consumer unit, which has all of the circuits with sockets protected by RCD, but has no RCD protection on the lighting circuits and a cooker circuit that has no outlet is a potentially dangerous (C2) fault and the only way to rectify this is to fit a new consumer unit for 985GBP +VAT ?
Sorry for the back and forth but I really need to understand what the report is telling me, and the C3 in the details and C2 in the summary with C3 text has me confused!
Their response - short and sweet as usual:
Hi Toby
That is correct.
kind regards
Cover letter:

My last note to them was to ensure they spelled out what they were claiming so i can get a second opinion and lodge a complaint if necessary - the whole thing just smells of work generation unfortunately. Note and response is blow:
Hi ,
So should the report be amended as it does not tally, and I really want to understand the issue that requires attention.
This report is saying that the current consumer unit, which has all of the circuits with sockets protected by RCD, but has no RCD protection on the lighting circuits and a cooker circuit that has no outlet is a potentially dangerous (C2) fault and the only way to rectify this is to fit a new consumer unit for 985GBP +VAT ?
Sorry for the back and forth but I really need to understand what the report is telling me, and the C3 in the details and C2 in the summary with C3 text has me confused!
Their response - short and sweet as usual:
Hi Toby
That is correct.
kind regards
Cover letter: