Eu Vote

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Should UK Remain in EU on the referendum.

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But remember that  Nissan , Toyota etc build cars in Britain to access the bigger EU market ,  bringing employment , seeing as we were incapable of maintaining our own car industry.

Nissan have quite a few manufacturing plants throughout the EU. Not just the UK. 

Could it it be considered that due to the cheap labour available in some EU countries that that is in some part to blame for the crash in UK manufacturing?  

LOL... don't you think that we need to manufacture something before we can sell it????
I do Noz , and before we manufacture we need a market to flog it in , and we're in a great big one at the moment .

We can only look at the simplistic side , to form an educated opinion needs an economist who understands such mammoth decisions.

we buy more from Europe than we sell to them, look at all the BMWs and Audis on our streets. They wouldn't want to risk the UK market by creating trade barriers.

My only concern with leaving is the likes of Nissan deciding to move abroad, but as we have the most efficient car plant in the world I doubt they would move it.

As for Human Rights, we don't need to be in the EU for that. I'm just fed up with spending £350million a day on another bunch of useless politicians. It isn't democratic in any size shape or form.

Nissan have quite a few manufacturing plants throughout the EU. Not just the UK. 

Could it it be considered that due to the cheap labour available in some EU countries that that is in some part to blame for the crash in UK manufacturing?  
I'd agree with that Essex  and as with labour in the far east .      At the begining of this recession I heard a quote that Detriot was hit hard and that the American car worker there had been earning way over the odds in pay .   But I fear they may be closing the shop if we come out .

I dropped my charge out rate about 6 years ago as others were undercutting us .   At the various  customer's , mostly printers, staff & works were whinging about not having a yearly pay rise , then looked at me astonished when I said I'd dropped my rates .

In reality , a yearly pay rise occurs in the good times . 

We moved a print firm at the begining of the recession , they got up and running and the recession hit , I remember the owner saying they were losing jobs to Poland  because of cheap labour costs,  showed me a quote , a Polish printer was buying the paper in the UK , shipping it to Poland , printing the job and shipping it back to the UK , cheaper than they had any hope of matching .    

They just  couldn't compete and were blown away.  

Its market forces  I'm afraid , you cannot compete with the bowl of rice brigade when you have factor in the costs of full H&S , pensions , a clean & healthy workplace .   

Lets face it if we still had the old ways in industry , demarkation , closed shops , sleeping through the night shifts ,  communist & left wing  shop stewards controlling the labour force ,  we'd be well & truly up the creek without the proverbial  by now.

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we buy more from Europe than we sell to them, look at all the BMWs and Audis on our streets. They wouldn't want to risk the UK market by creating trade barriers.

The nick name that BMW have for the UK is "the golden isle"!

The UK has a HUGE trade deficit to the EU. They have far more jobs at risk if they don't trade with the UK!

Well we SHOULD be buying cars from  British car makers  like Rover , Austin , Morris , Vauxhall, Singer , Triumph , Standard , Riley, Wolesley ,BL, Jensen, Armstrong Siddley, Sunbeam, Bristol, Daimler, Hillman, Humber, MG ...............

..............Oh I forgot ...they've all been blown away for a variety of reasons 

The nick name that BMW have for the UK is "the golden isle"!

The UK has a HUGE trade deficit to the EU. They have far more jobs at risk if they don't trade with the UK!
precisely, they need us more than we need them at the moment. I thought it very interesting how keen the EU president was to keep the UK in.

not supporting Eastern Europe also seems a good reason to get out. Forget the commonwealth, we let then down years ago and they have developed other markets, but freedom from the EU rules will allow us to be more responsive to emerging markets.

The EU is devestating the Eastern Europe job market. If you were a doctor in Romania would you stay in Romania for £10,000 per year or move to Germany for 10 times that?  So you live in Romania with no educated people left to care for the country. What do you do?  Move to a better country. This is what Germany really survive on. They demolish all the smaller countries and make them reliable on the larger EU countries. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. 

precisely, they need us more than we need them at the moment. I thought it very interesting how keen the EU president was to keep the UK in.

So not only do they sell us more than we sell to them, we also give the EU far more money than we take out.

Think about it!

Well we SHOULD be buying cars from  British car makers  like Rover , Austin , Morris , Vauxhall, Singer , Triumph , Standard , Riley, Wolesley ,BL, Jensen, Armstrong Siddley, Sunbeam, Bristol, Daimler, Hillman, Humber, MG ...............

..............Oh I forgot ...they've all been blown away for a variety of reasons 
well i have a ford that was uk until it was bought out if i m correct in thinking.


  • human rights, smoke screen, most cases are perfectly genuine but not news worthy (dog bites man)
  • We give loads of loot to them agreed, but get loads back, lots of money but not the stupid numbers UkIP bandy about.
  • Canada and others have trading agreements but pay for it and have no say in it  
  • We think to much of ourselves, businesses could easily move away.
  • Our boarders will not be safer but will be under a lot of pressure as France step aside.
  • We could become closer to the USA and President Trump
  • Better the devil
  • We are not using the Euro and never will, however the Euro will not always be week.
Out news is better script than in and will be reported much more than the in campaign,

This could definitely go either way though. 

Uk Rebate and Net Contribution

The mere fact that all the politicians want us in should tell you something....

It has to be out......

We should be trading with Russia and the rest of the world, not just a load of "europeans" that hate us anyway. I saw a programme on the telly years ago. It was just after they brought in all that "single market" guff. It was a firm that made roofing sheets or something. They said that even after complying with all the nonsense, the french just refused to deal with an english firm.. Stuff the europeans...


the french just refused to deal with an english firm.. Stuff the europeans...


The French are living in the past - they do not believe in international business - they just want France to be full of small inefficient farms (paid for by the CAP) , whilst the reality is that nobody in their right will start a business in France due to their employment regulations ... and of course the state own a percentage in lots of businesses so that state "aid" is difficult to prove.

If the Euro collapses, and the France is reintroduced, its value on the international money markets will plummet!

And if you go into a supermarket in France most, are still pricing goods in Euro's and Francs!

BUT Germany and France normally "side" against the UK so what ever happens we are stuffed. In or Out - and think short term pain is worth while - just imagine Jean Claude Junkers face on the 24th June when he realises that the next 3 years are going to be tied up getting the UK out. The man has the experience of the Mayor of Coventry and he's in charge!!!

A vote OUT should get us a far better deal as they simply can't AFFORD for us to go .........

One thing missing (so far) from the debate is a timescale and the mechanism of our exit.

At least with the Scottish independence rreferendum, we knoew in the even of a yes (to independence) how the negotioations would be handles and when independence would take effect.

Am I the only one suspicious at the lack of information, that OUT is not actually a real possibility that will be "allowed" to happen?


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