Eu Vote

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Should UK Remain in EU on the referendum.

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One thing missing (so far) from the debate is a time scale and the mechanism of our exit.

At least with the Scottish independence referendum, we know in the even of a yes (to independence) how the negotiations would be handles and when independence would take effect.

Am I the only one suspicious at the lack of information, that OUT is not actually a real possibility that will be "allowed" to happen?

If my memory serves me correctly this is all laid out in the Lisbon Treaty.

try reading this:

Interestingly only 1 country has an agreed way to exit the Euro - and that is Germany!

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One thing missing (so far) from the debate is a timescale and the mechanism of our exit.

At least with the Scottish independence rreferendum, we knoew in the even of a yes (to independence) how the negotioations would be handles and when independence would take effect.

Am I the only one suspicious at the lack of information, that OUT is not actually a real possibility that will be "allowed" to happen?

It has been reported. Could take 3 years with various laws required to be put into place. 

I think there are actually two key questions...

One is the in/out bit..

But the second is who do you trust to give accurate advice about the possible consequences of the in/out bit.

From my understanding the key pivotal concerns are around the financial and business issues.

Which from my experience 99.99% of financial gurus and analysts know jack all about what will really happen or what is good common sense to maintain a stable future.

Just look back at the big banking crash fiasco....

How on earth couldn't someone educated within the financial world not realise that the business models lending too much to people who have little or no means of paying it back be a sound basis for future prosperity.

And I doubt very much that anyone involved in analysing the EU finance and national implications of being in or out, has much more idea about what will really happen than those supposed experts guiding the banks and government leading up to the banking crash.

Now if it were only the political control of our own laws and borders etc. that we were considering then....

I guess the vast majority would be saying let’s get out and manage and control ourselves purely by our own elected government...

Without anyone’s hands being tied by EU legislation....

So it’s all down to that gamble about what will really happen to the financial markets and the economy.. 

Which IMHO is still a gamble whatever choice is made in OR out...

BUT ..  Where can you get truly accurate impartial advice and analysis that the average man on the street can understand...

which is what we need to answer the first question..  In or Out????


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Ok, well think about this one... All the political parties want us to stay in with dire warnings etc...

BUT, remember this, THEY ALL LIED, AND NOW, THEY ADMIT THEY LIED, to get us in... So, who but a fool would listen to them now......


It'd be interesting t see how an out vote will effect the politics over here? Will we be back to a clear left and clear right instead of the muddy puddles we have now? 

To ponder further.....

who's to say that if we leave the EU that the EU will stay in its current state..?

Maybe one key member rocking the boat a bit will cause other members to rock it a bit more and bring about significant change to what we understand the EU to be..

Sometimes we can be held back by laziness, complacency or boring better just stay as we are mentality,

rather than thinking maybe there could be other possible alternatives that can still work......

The predictability of the world economy has changed beyond recognition from the 1970's when we joined

and almost every year it becomes harder to successfully predict what things will grow, decline or just stay the same.

The thing is... we are a small group of islands but we have a broad population with a vast array of skills and needs...

Whatever happens everyone of us still needs food, shelter, clothes, education etc..

And we have a collection of countries with almost more places of historical interest and or natural beauty per square mile than almost any other nation..

Even if we are out of the EU.. people will still come and do business with the UK..

and just as some business fold.. others will be starting up to meet those needs that will always still be there...

Why should one option be the successful option and the other be the road to doom and destruction? 

I though nearly 20years ago losing my job was the end of the road...

But you just dust yourself down, pick yourself up and start again!

And in hindsight the world of work has changed beyond recognition and my previous job was guaranteed to disappear soon or later anyway...

So who's to say the EU will stay as we think it will be for years to come... 

Who knows what financial iceberg is waiting in 2018 or 2019?? 

Maybe we could be better of well away in our own small lifeboat rather than on a crumbling EU titanic?

Just pondering on the fence???



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To ponder further.....

who's to say that if we leave the EU that the EU will stay in its current state..?

Maybe one key member rocking the boat a bit will cause other members to rock it a bit more and bring about significant change to what we understand the EU to be..

Sometimes we can be held back by laziness, complacency or boring better just stay as we are mentality,

rather than thinking maybe there could be other possible alternatives that can still work......

The predictability of the world economy has changed beyond recognition from the 1970's when we joined

and almost every year it becomes harder to successfully predict what things will grow, decline or just stay the same.

The thing is... we are a small group of islands but we have a broad population with a vast array of skills and needs...

Whatever happens everyone of us still needs food, shelter, clothes, education etc..

And we have a collection of countries with almost more places of historical interest and or natural beauty per square mile than almost any other nation..

Even if we are out of the EU.. people will still come and do business with the UK..

and just as some business fold.. others will be starting up to meet those needs that will always still be there...

Why should one option be the successful option and the other be the road to doom and destruction? 

I though nearly 20years ago losing my job was the end of the road...

But you just dust yourself down, pick yourself up and start again!

And in hindsight the world of work has changed beyond recognition and my previous job was guaranteed to disappear soon or later anyway...

So who's to say the EU will stay as we think it will be for years to come... 

Who knows what financial iceberg is waiting in 2018 or 2019?? 

Maybe we could be better of well away in our own small lifeboat rather than on a crumbling EU titanic?

Just pondering on the fence???


You keep the Titanic out of this,

She was floating when she left Belfast,!!!! ;)

I think there are actually two key questions...

One is the in/out bit..

But the second is who do you trust to give accurate advice about the possible consequences of the in/out bit.

As Specs says , this the main point , we are not the experts , we only have opinions . We need more than just " Well they changed our cable colours so I'm OUT" 

Should the men enlisting in the army in WW1 trust politicians?

Should we trust them when invading Iraq & the weapons of mass destruction.?

Should the Thalidomide babies trust the experts ?

Shoud I have trusted them when we voted to join the EU ?

I have a Jag also. Jaguar Landrover is an Indian company now. 
Thats why I left them out , a massive employer in this area but they can build anywhere with anyone  now with computerisation , you never know whats in their heads ,  same with Cadburys , massive employer but like the steelworks , they could be gone just like that . 


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