Eu Vote

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Should UK Remain in EU on the referendum.

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This is the problem, we can send them home but don't seem to be capable of preventing them coming back, unless they're branded before being sent home- does that sound like hitler??

What would be useful is if we were capable of protecting our borders correctly ? 

I stayed out of this.....

you know how political debates can go on here!

 I gave up smoking and took up vaping (spending the kids inheritance on shiney things) there are new laws coming in that show how blatantly the EU chimps can be bought by big tobacco by banning vaping in its current form and bringing in new style e cigs the same as the big tobacco co's already produce.

Just preparing for the apocalypse...

tango'd ipad.



Before the EU, we were a global player, we hod our OWN indigenous industries, generating wealth into the UK, into UK tax payers pockets, and into companies HQ'd in the UK that paid their taxes.

Now we have no industries, almost all our large employers are HQ'd overseas.

Our automotive industry is only here because our employment protection laws are amongst the weakest in the EU.

I was called out on a breakdown to a UK factory of a Japanese Tier 1 automotive supplier last week.

The machinery is all built in Japan and shipped here, none of it complies with any of the EU standards, you can't get parts for it in the EU, let alone the UK.


In the current global market UK PLC is too small to survive.


The companies that are here from abroad are only here to use us as either a way into the EU market (Japan) or because of our cheap labour and weak employment laws (BMW).


British Steel is now Indian.


There is no British Coal.


The SSC is owned by the french.


Our DNO's are all foreign owned.


We have no high volume automotive manufacturers in the UK, the high volume Tier 1 & 2 suppliers are all foreign owned.


None of these companies pay taxes in the UK.


When Sony had a plant in Bridgend, it NEVER made a profit to have to pay tax.

It only existed as a route into the UK market, it was a perception thing.

All of the profits were made in Japan, by the way that their accounting procedures were set up.

I can't say for sure, but, I expect that ALL of the foreign HQ'd companies will be the same.


I think that Sir Alec Issigonis, whilst of Greek origin was one of the founders of the British Motor industry and was a huge innovator, and that in turn led a revolution in automotive design and thinking, is turning in his grave now seeing what is happening to his country of birth and his adopted nation.


We are goosed, in or out.

Either way the country will struggle, my only saving grace is that I have less time left than I have had, so at least I won't have to suffer through another 50 years of this rubbish!

I am just ashamed of the world into which I have brought my children.


Not only is the country goosed, but the whole world is.

It is now run by global corporations that are by law forced to make profit above almost everything.

Remembering that profit for shareholders is one of the founding requirements of ANY company and if a company does not make a profit adequately then it's "board" are negligent and can be prosecuted certainly under UK law, the thing is it NEVER happens because these companies are simply too powerful.

We are going back to feudal times, where the "lord of the manner" are the global companies whose only aim is to make more and more profit for the super rich who are their shareholders.


Soon you will have to pay to work for companies, and it has already started where employers are forcing employees to provide their own PPE etc.


One of our problems in the UK, is that we make an honest effort to comply with the rules, such as LVD, MD, etc. etc. mainland Europe doesn't bother as much.


The Japanese companies that are in the UK, that I have seen basically ignore both the MD & the LVD for example by building and importing their own machinery.


IMHO, we are too weak to survive in the new global economy that is in place without manufacturing companies HQ'd in the UK, paying taxes into the UK economy.

No Government is strong enough to fight these global corporations to get tax out of them, because they are afraid that they will just up sticks & leave.

If we are "out" then the companies using the UK as a cheap way into Europe will simply re-locate to get the best deal for them, if that's in the UK, then they will stay, if it's elsewhere, they will move, they have to by LAW, they are legally bound to maximise their profits, and they will.


IMO the bankers that caused the crash should have been imprisoned for their incompetent management as they did not meet their legal duties in running their companies in a competent manner, Iceland had the right idea, but, didn't go far enough.


As I have said, no UK Government will have the guts no matter what side of the political divide to ever stand up to any large company.

Absolutely correct....

It is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE for a company to trade when insolvent.. ALL the banks are insolvent, they own courgette all. It makes me laugh when building societys brag thay have assets of millions, NOT THEY DO NOT, they merely "own" a lot of debt... You might have a mortgage, but YOU still own your house, not them...

Why are they not all arrested?? Iceland did exactly what should have been done, but as Paul said, did not go far enough.

Anyone that votes for the tory idiots must be a muppet.. EVERYTHING a working man has, and his family has, was brought to you courtesy of the labour and liberal parties. Without them, those that are not "one of them" would be working without pay to live in the company squat, and would, if they were lucky, get a token that they could only spend in the company shop..


That's a VERY accurate post Sidewinder, one I agree with entirely.

And like you I don't intend to be working many more years. I just hope the buggers don't pinch my pension before I start drawing it.

Add one more to that. If I can eke out another four years of being able to put food on the table that will do me. Unless the pension draw date becomes an annually altered fantasy! 

When I decided to draw my pension 10 years early, there were two things that swung it for me.

The difference between taking at 50 and 60 did not crossover until I was 75. Second I had absolutely no confidence that since the UK debt is some £1.6T that at some point it would not be targeted as an easy grab to help the vulnerable in UK. That was 3 years ago and am glad I did. I have another pension next month and one in 20 months time and these will be taken as early as possible. If we don't vote to leave the euro I almost certainly will be leaving to live in Spain and enjoy all the UK money pouring in to EU, if Turkey joins will probably move to NZ.

Its a big decision for the country for generations and I am pragmatic and prepared to vote with my and my families feet.

For the avoidance of doubt, I am for out before its too late and we end up the same as all the euro land, then it wont make any difference as living in the euro land will be no different to living in Houston or Oklahoma City, just different real estate.

Absolutely correct....

It is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE for a company to trade when insolvent.. ALL the banks are insolvent, they own courgette all. It makes me laugh when building societys brag thay have assets of millions, NOT THEY DO NOT, they merely "own" a lot of debt... You might have a mortgage, but YOU still own your house, not them...

Why are they not all arrested?? Iceland did exactly what should have been done, but as Paul said, did not go far enough.

Anyone that votes for the tory idiots must be a muppet.. EVERYTHING a working man has, and his family has, was brought to you courtesy of the labour and liberal parties. Without them, those that are not "one of them" would be working without pay to live in the company squat, and would, if they were lucky, get a token that they could only spend in the company shop..

I beleive the scam is,

when you sign the promisary note to say you will pay back the bank £100K that note is is then put into there system and treated as cash.

Those notes are all bundled up and then sold on as equities.

The banks also have insurance that you wont pay back the debt, and it is in there favor if you dont as there insurance will pay out and they still get to keep the promisary note .

When you have paid back your debt the actual note with the wet signature is ment to be returned. This note is never returned so the bank no only has the £100K + interest that you repayed  and it still has the promisary note which they treat as cash.

You can request to see your note and if the bank does not have it they do not have the right to ask you to pay back the debt. Orgisations like the white rabbit trust have being testing this theory  (check 'Spanyard' the ex bank manager who has been to court doing exactly this).  The banks of course cant have the general riff raff finding out about there scams and have been doing everything they can to cover up all the lies.

The muslims have the right idea with there banking not allowed to charge interest from loans.

When i go into somewhere to install a cable i dont get the home owners to have a vote on what size cable i should install.

Asking the general public to decide on a very complex economic decision is idiotic.

Perhaps we should have a public vote on more technical complex issues that the voter has not much understanding of.

I beleive the scam is,

when you sign the promisary note to say you will pay back the bank £100K that note is is then put into there system and treated as cash.

Those notes are all bundled up and then sold on as equities.

The banks also have insurance that you wont pay back the debt, and it is in there favor if you dont as there insurance will pay out and they still get to keep the promisary note .

When you have paid back your debt the actual note with the wet signature is ment to be returned. This note is never returned so the bank no only has the £100K + interest that you repayed  and it still has the promisary note which they treat as cash.

You can request to see your note and if the bank does not have it they do not have the right to ask you to pay back the debt. Orgisations like the white rabbit trust have being testing this theory  (check 'Spanyard' the ex bank manager who has been to court doing exactly this).  The banks of course cant have the general riff raff finding out about there scams and have been doing everything they can to cover up all the lies.

The muslims have the right idea with there banking not allowed to charge interest from loans.

When i go into somewhere to install a cable i dont get the home owners to have a vote on what size cable i should install.

Asking the general public to decide on a very complex economic decision is idiotic.

Perhaps we should have a public vote on more technical complex issues that the voter has not much understanding of.
Maybe you have been locked in a cupboard for some time. Have you seen the 'representitives' of our country?  Saying that the general public are too stupid to vote on such a thing and to leave it with career politicians has got to be the oddest comment I have heard in quite some time.  

Maybe you have been locked in a cupboard for some time. Have you seen the 'representitives' of our country?  Saying that the general public are too stupid to vote on such a thing and to leave it with career politicians has got to be the oddest comment I have heard in quite some time.  
The general public are too stupid to decide on such a thing.

This is democracy. You sound like Robert Mugabe with that quote. 
If you beleive democracy is us as people deciding on things you are deluded.

I dont have the full understandign of what will happen either way and i did A-level economics a million years ago. The average person realy does not understand. My misses has no idea, neither my mother or father, how they are expected to make an educated desicion or something so important.

How about we have a democratic vote on the super rich tax dogers having to pay tax like the poor people, or have a vote on how  we spend money on health and education instead of spending it on weapons of war that never get used.

My current thinking about the EU goes like this:

The UK needs to develop more export markets. The UK is not allowed under the rules of the EU to agree any terms with other countries with out the EU being involved. 

This means the UK is unable to really control new overseas markets, so being an EU member is effectively signing our own death warrant.


You are sounding like the politicians that have got us in this shyte

We want your vote, but you are too stupid to understand what you are voting for so we will line our own pockets while we screw you into the ground and you are too thick to know better.

Murdoch is EXACTLY right.....


as opposed to the EU, which is

A Greed
