Fire alarm system HMO

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Junior Member
Dec 8, 2009
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Had a phone call asking for a quote to install a fire alarm system for a 7 bed HMO.

The owner has their HMO licence visit from the council in 2 weeks.

I have done similar work before, but would like some comments re my solution.

I intend to fit 3 x ionisation alarms on the 3 floors (interconnected) all 7 rooms will be fitted with heat alarms also be interconnected.

They will be supplied via a new 2 way CU with a 6A Rcbo and a 6A breaker for the emergency lighting (which will be installed on the landings / hallways of each floor)

A test / hush / locate switch will be fitted in the hallway.

Will this suffice?

Any comments appreciated.

What about call points? Have the council asked or requested any type of approved system? HMO will almost always be L2 or even L1 systems dependant on risk assessments. In most cases they may ask for a method to raise the alarm even when no sensor has detected any smoke or fire.

Aico have call points that can be interconnected with their alarms and as this is domestic it would be a Grade D LD2 system that you propose.

Why the RCBO? if its surface wiring then RCD protection not required.

isnt the grade of the system dependent upon how many floors the property has?

I thought if its over three floors you will need a proper fire alarm system.

It will have to be an L2 system. 3 story HMO.

I will be fitting callpoints in hallways and the kitchen.

From my understanding this will be an L2 system - the hush test locate switch can identify what alarm has triggered.

Am I right in saying no panel required?


How many storeys is the building? Above 3 storeys and you'll need a control panel as part of the system to monitor any faults on the detectors.


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