Fluorescent Tube For Kitchen Lighting-Confused By The Numbers!

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Jul 23, 2015
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United Kingdom
Hi all,

Have just become a member and i am trying to make sense of the fluorescent tubes in our kitchen lighting. 

The current tubes show L36W/535. Not being able to go out and make a purchase due to my health i resort mostly to online shopping and i can only currently find, within my budget, a L36W/835.

May i ask what the latter numbers mean please, and could i use an 835?

I hope this question is acceptable and that i have posted in the correct area.

Thank you.


Thank you for the information.

I had expected to find the 'T' printed on the tube and hadn't realised how these things are described. Now i am aware that i need a T5 i should be able to find what i need.

Many thanks again.

the 8 in the colour code is the CRI, not the diameter (diamter is always Tx, as kerch says). tri-phosphor is 8xx, older halo whatever is 5xx, which is why he cant find any. so yes, an 835 / 840 / 865 will work in place of the 535

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Thanks everyone.

I am learning more as the day goes on - proof in the old saying that you never stop learning.

I thought i would have to follow suit with the tube that was already in the fixture, hence the 535. But if an 835 that i know i can get will still be acceptable then all the better.

Thanks again.

the 8 in the colour code is the CRI, not the diameter (diamter is always Tx, as kerch says). tri-phosphor is 8xx, older halo whatever is 5xx, which is why he cant find any. so yes, an 835 / 840 / 865 will work in place of the 535
there you go,

I never knew that,  :C

I only ever used the last 2 numbers,

every day is a school day, 

I never knew that snippet of information. You still learn every day.  Duly scoobed.
Ever wondered why a Par 38 lamp is so called?

Par........parabolic reflector

38? Yep, you guessed it......38. 1/8ths of an inch!

So.....answer me this

Ashley JBs....when we were allowed to use them willy nilly

601......6 terminals.....fairly logical

301 ......4 terminals

401.......3 terminals..........explain that one!

Just wondering
