Ghost stories

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2 of my friends were stood in my dining room, grown men both of them.

Mrs & I were sat at the table, we were all chatting about my mum who had recently passed away.

Reminiscing as it were.

All of a sudden the room light turned off.

No fault, nothing, just turned off.

Pull cord switches 2 way, pulled one and it just turned back on.

True story with 4 adult witnesses.


Sat in the lounge one night with the wife and smelt burnt paper......

next thing......the keyboard for the computer starts typing....only 3 or 4 keys


in a terraced house once all doors and windows closed

cold draft down the stairs into the lounge.......where did that come from ????

When I was young and still lived with my mum my bed room door used to open on its own, my mum used to see a shadow used cross the landing mirror when know one there and one time when we came home every light in the house was on.

Good thread M4tty, looking forward to some ghost stories.

I posted this before but here it is again.

Many years back, working for a Stourbridge contractor , I started to rewire an empty house in a place near Dudley, on my own , apprentice was on day release and would be with me next day.

Kneeling in the back bedroom I got the distinct feeling someone was watching me from the doorway , felt it again ,with hairs on back of neck standing up, I turned and imagined for a second there was an elderly man standing in the doorway , looking at me. There was, in fact , no one there.

Next day , apprentice is with me , I did not mention any of the above , went to the wholesalers for materials leaving him pulling more cables through same room.

Came back to find him sitting outside , looking shaken, " I'm not going in there on my own" he says. "There was an old guy watching me from the doorway, then he disapeared ":| :| :| :C :C

my daughter used to wake up at night scared and start crying saying there was someone in the room

this went on for weeks and there was nothing we could do to help here get over this person in the room

Wife phoned a 'medium' and talked to her while in the room........

never had the problem again !!!!!!

one more.....

whenever one of us is going to be ill we get the feeling someone else is in the house a few days before.....


Here is another.

We have a "canopy" "lean to" thing at the back of our house it is over the back door and is bounded in one side by the kitchen and another by a shed and the side of the garage, it is probably about 10'x20' ish.

Under here we have a wooden seat with 2 chairs and a table between, it rarely moves.

My mother who lived with us prior to her passing away and my father in law who spent a lot of time with us here after my mother in law passed away would not smoke in the house so they used to sit out there as we had young kids in the house.

My mother smoked "ready mades" my father in law smoked "rollies".

Quite often we smell "rolly" smoke at this seat, and no where else.

None of our immediate neighbours smoke and they are not close anyway due to the layout of the properties.

One side the neighbour is 70' away the other about 50' away and no direct wind path from either.

Not sure about further away, but the smoke would have to turn 90 deg around a corner and congregate in an open area to just be "there".

When I say it is just "there" I mean it, move 3' either way and there is nothing!


Im not really a 'believer' as such, nor a sceptic, although I do have a story of my own.

Myself and Mrs sprocketflup bought an old victorian built house in Avonmouth on the dockside there, itd been built for the bigwigs at the docks so is quite large. We bought it with the intention of converting into 2 flats, alas the planning department vetoed that due to new statutes that came in whilst the sale went thru - ******.

So i whacked a downstairs bathroom in and we rent it out to cover the mortgage whilst we wait for the statutes to be changed again lol

Wifey was pregnant whilst the sale went thru, so I did most of the to-ing and fro-ing, I picked up the keys and then brought her over a couple days later to have a look. As I turned the key i could see thru the door glass someone stood at the top of the stairs! My p*ss immediatley boiled and I undid the door fast as I could and bolted up the stairs, incandescent that some little scrote had broke into my house, only to find of course no-one there and no windows unlocked......... twas only whilst I stood in teh middle of the master bedroom trying to figure out what was going on that I felt my hair stand on end...

now I did 90% of the decorating work on that place on my own, and I hated it. going there every day for a couple of month, tho i didnt see another figure i always felt that i wasnt alone in the house, and still dont like goin there even now

I find reading all these accounts fascinating........

because we are allow ourselves to be open to it then we see it.....

same as religion i suppose.......

but they do say youngsters see more because their mind is still 'open'

I have more but Downton Abbey is coming on shortly , its the only thing I'm bothered about watching.

(1) Warning vision to myself on the M5 .

(2) Friends experience at a holiday cottage in Devon.

(3) Ghostly little girl at The Park Hotel , Tipton near Dudley , Staffs.

(4) And I forgot the Lincoln Bomber ghost at the Cosford RAF museum .

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OK heres the M5 one .

I'm driving home at dusk on the M5 approaching J1 , theres no traffic ,strangely, but me in one of my earlier Escort vans and a car in the front in the distance with something on it's roof.

I'm doing about 70 in middle lane when , in my mind I see the contents of this car's roof rack come flying off , like a pack of cards, they look like corrugated roofing sheets . I ease back on the throttle and decide to move into the inside lane and let it go, when off its roof come flying at me at windscreen level, a load of roofing sheets . They started to hit my van on the bonnet and screen . I ducked , pulled the wheel at the same time , van goes into a spin, I find later there is black ice, I spin across the M5 up the embankment , rear doors fly open and everything empties out .

Van spun so fast I was pushed against the door by centrifugal force ,could'nt move, both McPherson struts wrenched out on the motorway kerbing.

Thing is though , I'd slowed from 70 to 40 because of the "warning" or it could have been worse.

Sat in my Sisters kitchen and could smell a sweet pipe tobacco smell. Told my Brother in law and he said thank gawd for that. I said why and he thought that he was the only one that could smell it. He explained that it was the smell of his friends hand rolled cigarettes (he used to dry his bacco out in the micro), who had passed away several months before.

I have also smelled cigar smoke in there too, he said that was the chap that owned the house before him. (old councillor).

Brother in law and my nephew (young at the time) have both seen the ghost of the previous owner too.

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When my older sister got her first place herself, my niece was about 2 or 3

Almost immediatly after they moved in my niece started waking up in the middle of the night terrified screaming and crying that there was a man in her room,

everytime my sister would go in she'd be sitting on her bed hunched in the corner just looking around the room and the cat we had since we were kids started sleeping at the end of my nieces bed (it had never done this before) and during the day the cat used to lie across the doorway

This went on for about 5-6 weeks and it came to a head one night when my sister heard a noise and when she got up my niece was playing in the hall in the dark and she said that the man got her up to play with her

It completely freaked my sister out and I have to be honest I was absolutely bricking it

after the hall incident my sister was going to get the house blessed but before she did it all just suddenly stopped

I was completely freaked out

Work wise, old house in the park converted in to flats. You could hear somebody pacing the floor in the flat above, I went to the door & it stopped so went in apart from the sash windows rattling when the wind blew, there was nothing.

I was working in the stairwell & these footstep continued, so I left the front door open & the sounds of the park really changed the atmosphere in the property, I mentioned it to my dad who mentioned that my uncle had claimed to see an apparition of girl sobbing in the same property 20 yrs or so earlier.

The house I grew up in (0-19) had some issues with things, I saw a brown figure come through the ceiling, I legged it jumped from the landing to hallway to get away from it. Stuff moving & lights & other electrical stuff being on/ off after you

Wife and I went to Cosford RAF museum , well out of season and on a normal workday so very few visitors.

I'm standing in the big hanger looking at the Lincoln Bomber , which preceded the famous Lancaster , the wife has moved on a bit and I could hear the sound of some idiot running up and down the plane , I thought its not a child , heavy footsteps, went on and on .

I caught up with the missus who couldn't hear it . I said theres somebody playing sillybuggers in there.

Missus says theres only us in here . The running stopped but no one got out . I put it away until a local TV show , Midlands Today ran a piece on the ghost of the Lincoln Bomber .

Edit :-

I just Googled Cosford and theres an article on the "Haunted Bomber "

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