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Currently living and working back in Saudi Aabia. I work for a network solutions company in charge of the design criteria for the low voltage side of things.

I also sign off all installations to the 17th Edition as we work to that standard.

I'm happy to help anyone who is either coming out here or is thinking of it. Iron out a few wrinkles and basically just lend a helping hamd if needed
I think the forum members would be interested in your experiances of working abroad especially in saudi Arabia, very helpful to anyone who may be thinking of going abroad, thank you for your post.

hi im paul and work for the local authority as a comercial electrician I find this forum very helpful if im strugleing wiyh a problem i use the search facility and usually fin what im looking for

Thanks Paul. If you can't find it - start a thread. :)

And you are Welcome to join in some banter. You don't have to have a question. :)

Hello I Mr ohms. Been an electrician for 13 years. :) and still learning.

Hi All, I'm an electrician/instruments tech Down Under (10 years in total - mainly industrial these days) and will be making a permanent move to ole Blighty in the near future.

This site has been invaluable for info on how your system works over there and I'm looking forward to the new challenge.

; \

Hi Everyone

I'm a trainee electrician coming to the end of level two on the 2330.


Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm going to be training as an electrician.

Hello Sarah, Dr Equiptment & Trainee Sparks, Welcome to the forum. :)

Hi Im Ged, Im doing a night course for the 2330 L2 just got through the 202 with a pass, as I am not working in the industry and only go to class once a week it can be hard,does anyone have advice for 203 ie. exam siulators or test papers with Q&A's on.

Cheers Guys

Hi Im Ged, Im doing a night course for the 2330 L2 just got through the 202 with a pass, as I am not working in the industry and only go to class once a week it can be hard,does anyone have advice for 203 ie. exam siulators or test papers with Q&A's on.Cheers Guys
Hello Gederton,

Welcome to the forum.

There are all Mock papers in our Download Area

Also, Swindon Massive is a good place too.

My advice would be to study hard for any exam - BUT, the 203 is the hardest of the Level 2 exams. Type "203" into our search facility on our forum here.

Best of luck,


hi im new to this forum and would like to say hello to all the members.

ive applied for various colleges in glasgow for electrical apprenticeships but i dont know what is the best college . anybody got experience out there who can help.?

Welcome to the forum Electonica.

Have you tried or "Directory of UK Colleges"?

hi every one im a apprentice electrician and im new to this game , need some hlp with buying power tools

firstly hello and welcome Thomas, you should look at a cordless drill/driver and maybe an sds. I'm sure someone will be along shortly with more detailed info

Ayup and howdy,

My names elec dept and I`m an alcoholic. I am in the right place aren`t I?

Been a spark since 1987. Now moved to the dark side and teach/instruct(sort of!).

Lol, You will certainly fit in here.

Welcome to the forum.


Hi Guys

Just got another PIR to do does any one know about any special considerations for a foster care family ie do i have to PAT test household appliances.



Hi Im am working as an Electrical Instrument Maintenance Technician on a chemical plant in Billingham. Ive been here 13 years as a contractor and ive just been told that the plant is being closed in Feb 2011 so ive joined the forum to keep in touch with whats happening for when I am back out job hunting again. After 13 years you lose most of your contacts. Hope to find new ones

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