I'm Off To Egypt

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Well it's all kicking off now as I type this apaches firing the hellfires and the cannon about 6mile up the road.

And some heavy machine gun fire not far from the maingate and some big bombs going off enough to shake

the windows and feel the vibration on the ground so another disturbed sleep no doubt later on.

So I will knock a few back to get me too sleep.

Hope it as goes ok for you. What's caused it to kick off? Nothing on the news over here. 

It don't take much but we're told it's hamaz coming in from the Gaza region

You don't here about the villages and towns in the sinai.

A place called al arish is the main battle ground and some local

place's not far from the camp.

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Well things are a bit tense around this area of the Sinai at the moment,

Bombs going off in the distance and gunfire can be heard usually late evening till around about 3-4 in the morning

all travel has been cancelled indefinitely for the time being.

I was planning on having 10 days in Sharm with the missus but highly unlikely now with no travel to sharm allowed

and I'd just got my body armour and helmet for the journey down there on the bus.

But apart from all that life is not that bad here

I'll put some photos up now I have a laptop.

From what I've been told HV will be the last ones on the plane out if it all goes tits up.

Just too turn the lights off.

Due too upload limit I'll put some more up at a later date

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Yes not looking good.

I heard some large explosions today and it was on the news over here that they happened in the

large town Al Arish which is about six miles away from the camp.

On a lighter note if we do get evacuated I would get the remaining term of the contract paid up in full.


Lets hope you get evac'd safely back to the UK tomorrow then!!!

Please stay safe out there, this is not a practice or for fun, this is for real, please, please look after yourself.

Sinai in the news today for the first time i have noticed. 

Stay safe. Ask `em for a Uzi - so if anyone shoots at you - you can shoot back.........................
That would be absolutely magic asking for a Israeli gun in an Arab country  :facepalm:    :Applaud
