Isolating Tx

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of course Im wrong, ask my wife™
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Gtr Manchester
getting one of these for the shed , or something similar,

now, I have NO idea how effective they really are, or if the electromagnetic bit even works, or if any of it even works,

but, I dont want to take any chances with our Guinea pigs, if they do actually do something,

so, my big idea is this, as its a measely 9w power,

use the Tx from a shaver point, ,,,,,,,,

thoughts please,

Canoeboy said:
They are carp

Don't waste your money 

My opinion only

yet another one,

yep, almost everyone Ive spoke to has had a 50/50 split on these things,

some swear by them , others say they just light up and do nothing,

I just thought along with some traps it'd be another angle to try,

BTW, I dont have any mice/etc, just hoping to not have any either.

Get a cat and don't feed it to often or get a nice little 4-10 and have some fun

Get a cat and don't feed it to often or get a nice little 4-10 and have some fun
Id rather have rats and mice than a cat,

or, I could get a .22 and have fun with the cat,  :D

Have you got a guinea pig - really?
yes, we got the little lad 2 last christmas,

and boy, do those things pee and crap for England,!!!!!!!!!!!

they are in the house, shed is on a radial circuit and away from the house BTW.

Jut put poison down for the rats (responsibly). I would worry that they may not work for the rats, but thoroughly piss off the guinea pigs.

I dont have any, yet, and dont really see how they could get in anyway,

just thought that they may be a deterrent that if they did think about it they might think twice if it wasnt an ideal environment,

yer, if they do actually give off electromagnetic waves thats why I thought about the isolating Tx,

there is no way the noise would reach the guinea pigs, I woulda thought , tbh.

We tried one in our loft, not identical, but similar.

The mice still come in. So I say it doesn't work.

But what I can't figure, is if you are going to fit one, why do you think you need an isolating transformer for it?

or, I could get a .22 and have fun with the cat,  :D
A 12 gauge with salt rounds would be better ;)
......if they do actually give off electromagnetic waves thats why I thought about the isolating Tx,........
I'm not understanding your thinking. What difference will an isolating Tx make? If there's EM emissions an isolating Tx won't make a difference.
Someone i know had mice and bought the electronic deterrent.

The mice were not in the slightest put off from entering the house.

Recently with that false widow spider scare, they purchased a spider deterrent. Again the spiders (normal house spiders) still dont get put off.

Steptoe, dont waste your cash!

listening to the radio the other day about getting rid of rats. 2 interesting options came out:-

1/ Irish soap - seems appopiate LOL - some bloke with combine harvesters reckons it worked when everything else failed

2/ peppermint oil - apparently rats don't like it.

However, this guy disagrees about the soap

We use humane traps and a barrel of water at our club ;)
my uncle had a mouse at his a while back. not wanting to kill it, he caught it then took it outside to free it. just to make sure it didnt come back, he took it to the other side of the thames. probably drowned trying to get back...

OK, its nothing to do with the ultrasonic bit,

thats a nothing AFAIAC, pure snake oil,

its the EM bit that does seem to have some sort of science foundation,

I was thinking an isolating Tx would stop the EM going back through the radial to the house,

am I missing something really slap in the face obvious here?

probably,  :|

A 12 gauge with salt rounds would be better ;)

I'm not understanding your thinking. What difference will an isolating Tx make? If there's EM emissions an isolating Tx won't make a difference.

see, I thought it would,

or am I really totally understanding it wrong?

If this thing is sold in the EU, US or UK then it must have suppression built in already to prevent any EMI being fed into the supply. The EM emissions are probably in the form of an RF pulse which might audible if you have a radio close enough but it shouldn't cause radio interference over more than a few meters either. Certainly you shouldn't need an isolating Tx.

If this thing is sold in the EU, US or UK then it must have suppression built in already to prevent any EMI being fed into the supply. The EM emissions are probably in the form of an RF pulse which might audible if you have a radio close enough but it shouldn't cause radio interference over more than a few meters either. Certainly you shouldn't need an isolating Tx.
the idea behind these things Marvo is that they do actually push some EM down the mains cables,

so, seems like thats just more snake oil too then,  :C

maybe I'll just get some LED lamps, they messed up Apaches radio reception, so maybe they will work for my rodents,  :)


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