legally signing off third party work - how?

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Nov 30, 2008
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a friend of mine is signing off a builders electrical work and says he can as hes with napit, has 2391 and PI insurance. im with elecsa and ive always been under the impression that the scam/scheme providers are for SELF certifying. is he right or am i.

if i am, whats the legal way of doin it?, if theres is a legal way

cheers wayne

You need to read the wording of the declaration you are signing, to see if you can legitimately accept responsibility. Sounds like your friend is doing a PIR rather than an installation certificate.

Doc H.

I'm with the NICEIC and we are not allowed to sign off 3rd party work..

I would have thought that it'd not only be against the membership rules (booting out offence), but couldn't it also be fraudulent?

Or are you talking about an EIC, in which case you just sign it as you for inspection and test, and whoever else did the work for design and construction.

You need to read the wording of the declaration you are signing, to see if you can legitimately accept responsibility. Sounds like your friend is doing a PIR rather than an installation certificate.Doc H.
its the full EIC, doc

Some clause in the Part P Regs forbids third party sign offs by outside electricians. Give Me a moment and I will hunt it down if you like?AndyGuinness
How can a LABC get a third party contractor sign it off then if they get someone to test the installation?

I think your mate is deluded!

For a start PI is cover for a professional opinion.

Your mate is signing off others work, stating on the EIC that he did it.... that's fraud (isn't it??)... and if there was a claim it would be against his PL insurance..

I think your mate is deluded!For a start PI is cover for a professional opinion.

Your mate is signing off others work, stating on the EIC that he did it.... that's fraud (isn't it??)... and if there was a claim it would be against his PL insurance..
The insurance company found that he had done this, they could declare his PL insurance null and void due to a fraudulant act by him.

ive tried telling him but he just wont have it, oh well its up to him!!
Sounds like your mate lives in cloud cuckoo land, I would let him get on with it and when the brown stuff hits the fan and he ends up in court then he only has himself to blame for not listening to what he has been advised.

Yeah i have this coming up a sparky has fallen out with the owner of a barn conversion wants me to put 2 CCU's and test it so will i just sign off test and inspect and building control will accept this?

His day of reckoning will come ! sooner or later if he continues like that.

Yeah i have this coming up a sparky has fallen out with the owner of a barn conversion wants me to put 2 CCU's and test it so will i just sign off test and inspect and building control will accept this?
You'll have to ask your LABC what they will accept..

I do know that some Shropshire LABC's can be very difficult

Far, far more common than you would give credit for. 99% of sparks with a comp person scheme that I personally know regularly sign off others work - whether a builder who has installed a new circuit - or a customer who has fallen out with his sparks and the sparks refuses to hand over the EIC. This happens every day of the week and is quick, easy money for them. Not a good situation to find yourself in as it flies in the face of the rules but hey - rules have always been for bending. I haven't signed off anyone elses work personally but I know it will crop up regularly and will have to deal with it when it does. In fact I have a customer at the moment who has paid
