Metrel MI3100 EuroTest Easi

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
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Firstly apologises if these are stupid questions but it's doing my head in!

It's the first time I've really used this tester as I've always used Flukes before, both during my course and with other people I've worked with. The instructions with it, to me at least, seem to make no sense at all!! I've worked out how to do continuity, insulation resistance, polarity and Zs no problem... It's then I get stuck!

The install I'm testing is also the frst time I've ever needed to test an earth rod, which isn't helping matters! I need to find the Ze, Prospective Fault Current and Electrode Resistance but can't figure out which of the countless numbers that appear on the screen relates to what! Thought I'd worked it out but after checking the results realised I can't of done as what I thought was Ra was giving me 519 ohms!

If anyone's used one of these and could point me in the right direction I would be extremily grateful as it's slowly driving me mad!!

Oh and in case anyones interested, it seems to be a good all rounder tester for a good price...if only I knew how to use it!!

been ages since I used a metrel but I'll try help out.

why wouldnt Ra be 519.? it is possible it could be this high.

Im uncertain as to whether or not you can get a true reading on a standard MFT for a rod anyway,

I think you will have to go down the old fashioned method of driving in more rods and taking relative measurements.....

have you tried to google an instruction manual, or even a Q&A section on their website(if they have one) ?

sorry cant be more help.

Cheers for the reply, never tested an earth rod before so wasn't sure on the result, just knew it's a lot higher than the regs allow. Yeah looked on google and the website, all I could find was the few page manual it comes with that is pretty basic!

Looks like I'll be putting more rods in tomorrow!

There is no problem with many MFTs, doing Ra tests.

In effect, it simply does a Ze on the rod.....

519 is possible, but, as stated, is a bit high to be relied upon.

If you can pm or email me the instructions for your meter, I`ll happily have a look at `em for you.....


cheers kme. I'll scan them in and pm them to you tomorrow. Only a handful of pages and very few words so won't take you long to read through!


For my sins, I`ve "studied" the information ( such as it is.....)

If Apache`s link is the only "info" you get with this thing, send it back & get a fluke:)

However. Given the spec. , it should have no problems with Ra.

Set up as a standard 3 lead loop test (installation de-energised!)

EC disconnected from MET (If poss, visually or continuity verify that the EC is the one you think it is!!!)

do test. I think tester will decide it is a fail, but ignore that. It doesn`t appear to know what its talking about!

If you need to verify test: pour a couple of pints of water down the rod. Wait 10 mins. re-test. If reading hasn`t changed, you`re likely to be on the wrong conductor.

Got to be in work at 7, so leaving now......

let me know what happens mate?

Yeah I must admit I'm tempted to get a Fluke. The link Apache posted you get on cd with it, actual 'instructions' are even worse!! Ridiculous really, in the pics you can see all the different displays on the screen yet the 'instruction' book only explains a couple. Not to ention this pass/fail screen??! I've used the tester a few times on other systems and never once has it said pass or fail!

Will give that a try later and let you know.


Right been having a play around today, did a ze test on just the rod and the results were awful so I've repositioned the rod and tested like kme said, now geting an Ra reading of 141 ohms so much better!

Can certainly understand why I was always told if you see a TT system walk away!!
