Motorbike Test!

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My test is booked at 2pm. I am seeing an instructor that morning from 9 or 10am to go through some last minute prep and to use his trailer. I know lots of people who would lend me a trailer but I couldn't just turn up at the test centre with a trailer attached on my own car!

Yea, how did you get on?

Well..... I turned up, no nerves at all. trouble was, there was already a girl doing her test, afterwards she took ages messing about, and i did start to freak a bit. This girl was with what appeared to be a load of hells angels. She was good, she was absolutely brilliant.

Then it was my go.....

Off I went, no worries, the first cone of the slalom came up a bit quicker than i imagined, [remember, i did not do a course, just turned up!] But hey, no worries. I did a storming figure of eight too. Then the slow ride, i can go really slow! no worries.

Then you have to do a lap of the track and a controlled stop. I used this a a chance to see what speeds i was recording through the speed trap. 47kmh, bit slow, you need to do 50 [all in metric crap] Ok, so then for the emergency stop. I did this, BUT, all the advice you see on youtube says brake as soon as you pass the speed trap as this is when the bloke will have to put his hand up. TOTAL CRAP.

Now, you have to understand that you have no time to look at the speedo at all, you just have to guess your speed by the sound of the bike. What i did was to blast out of the turn, and when it was blatantly obvious i was going fast enough rolled off the throttle and waited for him to stick his hand up and braked.

The examiner did not like this, and said that i must not shut off until he indicates. He said i was going awful fast too! He said that he was satisfied that i did not understand and gave me another go. How fast i was going this time i have no idea, but FAST! no worries.. 

Next the swerve...

The examiner told me not to go so fast this time. Ok so i did it. The swerve they all go on about is nothing, well easy, as for not stopping in time after the swerve, this is well easy too.

This time i was going a little slow 48KMH but you are allowed this, but will earn 1 point,

Sooooooo. I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  One minor fault, the too slow, and everything else perfect!!!!!!

Go me!!!!! When i had finished. I noticed there were about ten examiners and instructors watching. Must have come out to see the Autistic bloke on a bike. Still, the examiner was brilliant, all the staff were, and if the examiner moonlights as an electrician and is reading this, thanks mate, could not have done it without you....

So, if any of you fancy doing a bike test, i can tell you that the CBT is the worst, as it takes all day. The theory test is not nice at all, as the "hazard perception" is very subjective, but i passed by miles anyway. Module one, is NOWHERE NEAR as hard as people say, IF you ride METHODICALLY and IF you have good slow speed control.

All in all, was great fun!!!

Now, on to module two....

To be continued......

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! go me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have my trailer test booked in a month.
The pass rate on the trailer test is really low. It's the same test as the hgv1 and is considered a vocational licence. As such, the examiner is looking for a skilled and professional drive. Most people pass the hitching up and manoeuvres, but fail on their driving. Basic things, like use of mirrors, etc...

Yes, it is mega complicated now!! The CBT was largely lost on me, intended as it is for complete beginners, BUT it does not matter if you THINK you know it all [i certainly did!] you WILL learn something!! The theory test is largely for complete muppets, although in fairness it DOES make you think and concentrates your mind on stuff that you were doing up to now anyway, but on "autopilot"

Module one IS a good thing, as it makes sure that you have the basic skills to handle the bike. Someone i knew went to some kind of motorbike charity thing. One of the motorbike training places had set up a module one test course where people could have a go and pay a tenner to charity. Apparently, the majority of these "biker" types, failed..... It is not easy, trust me!!

Module two, i have no idea yet.

Now, i have had bikes most of my life [shhhhh] a car licence for 35 years and an HGV one for 26 years, BUT, did the "reflective thinking" i suppose you would call it, that was involved in doing the CBT, the theory test, the Mod one, make me a better drive/rider?? Yes, beyond ANY shadow of a doubt WHATSOEVER.

So, it is a complete pain, but the process, and remember, i did not go on any sort of course, HAS made me a better driver/rider...


The pass rate on the trailer test is really low. It's the same test as the hgv1 and is considered a vocational licence. As such, the examiner is looking for a skilled and professional drive. Most people pass the hitching up and manoeuvres, but fail on their driving. Basic things, like use of mirrors, etc...
We shall see. I know three people that have taken it and pass rate is 50%! (one re-took and passed a second time).

reversing trailers is the fun bit, the bloke who moves boats around Salcombe from the harbour to dry storage is an absolute expert....reverses at speed and dead straight. Puts many car drivers (read Chelsea tractors on holiday) without trailers to shame

Did mine years ago too, still did a 2 part though, only just, but no theory, did it at the same time as my younger late brother-in-law.

Passed my bike test in 1981. Met examiner, rode around the block in one direction, then the other while being observed. He stood in the road and I did an emergency stop then he walked along the pavement at various speeds which I had to keep up with. A couple of highway code questions and that was it full bike licence. Being 17 all I could afford to insure was a 250 so bought a brand new Honda CB250NDXB 2 months later the bike was wrapped round a gate post and I was in intensive care with half my intestines missing and in a coma. So I guess the test was too easy.

had I been able to afford to insure what I really wanted - a 750. no doubt I wouldnt be here today!

Before pic


after pic, having done a few repairs including bending frame back with scaffold tube.......


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from point of leaving the road to the point of impact (a dead tree lying in the field which I became impaled on) was 115' Police officers who measured the skids etc estimated my speed to have been well in excess of 80mph.... The only reason I'm still here is that there was a house burning down at the same time only a mile away and an ambulance was already there but not needed. I was told I would have bled to death in 15 mins from the internal injuries otherwise.
