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Thanks guys,,, your thoughts mean the world to me..

We find it very difficult to figure out what's going on in her head (for the last couple of years) since she was diagnosed with autism/Aspergers a year or so ago,,,, I don't think she can either. If you were to look at her you think that she was quite a normal,  shy, kid,,, shes expected to get all A's and A* in her upcoming exams, even the ones she doesn't like or doesn't think that she understands very well... In her 3 science exams she got 98% and 100% marks!

But she piles the pressure on herself, it's not us, we have to drag her away from her books to have a break...  She doesn't want to let us down, and now with the her final exams coming up she's become very anxious,,, so much so that she's worrying about absolutely everything to the point that she doesn't feel safe (anywhere)...

Anyway, like I said she's in hospital now as a medical admission to make sure that she doesn't dehydrate or become ill... I think that she'll see the CAMHS team on Monday and then we'll see what least shes in a place where theyll be able to look after her,,, hopefully she,  with their help, will be able to turn a corner soon..

My son has Aspergers quite severely. Early years no one knew or understood him and why he was different. Primary school he was given teacher aid and 1 to 1 and coped well. Secondary (by now we were living in NZ) he could not cope at all and due to a complete lack of support and understanding from the ed dept, we were forced to take the bold step of taking him out of school completely. 

12 years old and unable to read. By the end of the first week, he was reading the NZ Herald newspaper! - Confidence.

He was only assessed and diagnosed when we came back to the UK. He still struggles with daily things. Interaction with others is difficult, completely wrapped up in his own world. However, when he gets interested in something, he will pursue it to the Nth degree. Currently its gardening. We have an allotment and he amazes the folk down there with his knowledge and scientific approach. 

He has some strange habits, he wont sit next to anyone whilst eating, often stands in the corner - facing the corner, eating his breakfast. He HAS to get rid of the slightest piece of rubbish, wrappers etc, they have to go out of sigt, even if that means stuffing them under the couch. The fruit bowl has to be rigorously inspected and every sticker has to be removed from every piece of fruit. He has to shave with his electric razor for exactly 4 minutes. Sometimes this means he has a red rash, Same with teeth cleaning etc. 

There are daily struggles and difficulties. Nothing like what you are going through, but I can empathise Noz, its very hard. Praying for a good outcome.

I to am sorry to hear of this Noz, I hope she gets better soon.

My elder son stopped eating soon after the youngest was born he made himself really ill and got a really nasty infection, as soon as the doctors were aware of what was going on they were really great and he soon made a good recovery.

My thoughts are with you.

Thanks guys,,, BTW I'm scoobing everyone as a sign of thanks.

It feels like it's going to be a long struggle, one that will last her lifetime, but we are seeing progress (slowly), small sips of water and maybe eating a grape,,, but these are probably the biggest and hardest steps to make.

Best of luck Noz,I sincerely hope she gets things sorted,there's not a lot more I can say really except that we're all thinking of her.

Ok, so here's an update for you guys.....

My daughter has been discharged from hospital this afternoon... To get to this point she had to be able to drink plenty of water and fully eat a 1500 calorie per day meal plan which she has a managed to do... Over the next week we have to increase it to 1700 and then 2000 by next Friday. Once she has finished her exams they then want to aim at 2500.

She is also not to go to school except for her exams and crucial classes and she has also had a letter that she is not in a proper mental state to be a witness at an upcoming trial... (we have to wait to see what the court says about that, apparently she's the main witness)

Obviously she will also have countless CAMHS appointments to go to and they are looking at changing her medication.

Hopefully now everything can return to (our) normal now and she will achieve the results she deserves in her GCSE's.... She's an A / A* student BTW ,,,, she even does well in the subjects she doesn't like or "understand" (eg 98% in a Physics exam).... I hated the kids that were like that when I was in school.

Thanks again for all your best wishes..

at sometime time in the future I may discuss her ASD,, not now though

That's great news Noz, I'm so glad to hear she's doing better. It might not be a straight forward recovery, but remember every step in the right direction is progress. How long until her exams?

In some ways her being in hospital has been a relief TBH as we knew that she would get the care that she needed.

We're just lucky that she didn't hide anything (her ASD) and that she was already spot on to her BMI so she could afford to lose a little weight before it becomes too much of a problem.... We've just got to get her back on track now and then the rest will be down to her and her therapist..

SSS I think that her first exam is on the 17th May,,, I think it's Welsh (I could very easily be wrong though) and then they continue over the following 6 weeks

Glad to hear she's doing better and you're also sounding a lot more upbeat which I take as a good sign. By the look of it with her condition she's going to need help with getting over some of life's hurdles but it sounds like she's in good hands with support at home and the medical professionals you have available when necessary. Good luck with the exams although it sounds like she won't need it if she's a straight-A student.

Thanks SSS,,,

Dont worry about not praying,,, you're not alone, we don't either ;)

At the moment she's in quite a good place (mentally), she doesn't like eating but she is managing to eat 2000 calories a day, which is on plan,,,, she's also off school up until her exams which is working quite well for her as she feels like she can get more done at home... her school friends are only revising in school at the moment and she can get help if she needs.... She's also been told that she will get special consideration for her exams,,, she can sit by the door, take breaks, take her exams in a separate room,,,, all sorts of things.

So basically it's all good at the moment :)  

Fantastic :)  I'm happy for you and your family. It sounds like she's got all the things in place to enable her recovery. Hopefully now that she's better the exams wont feel as daunting either. 


The thing is though at the moment she is not better, as such.

Yes, the anxiety has slightly reduced to not being in school, but she still doesn't want to eat. Although she is, but only exactly what's in her meal plan, and exactly when her meal plan says,,,,  that's the Aspergers.

Hopefully though once her exams are out of the way the anxiety will subside and she'll become more comfortable with food. Also her CAMHS appointments will help her by giving her coping mechanisms.
