Nasty surprise today!

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They do kill. I have had chickens killed by rats. I have had chickens and ducks killed by foxes.
I consider myself educated thank you. I knew they killed other creatures but I honestly thought they killed for food not just because they disliked them.

Live and learn.

Not the case in this country Rev, all the poisons are anti-coagulants that cause them to bleed to death internally. Not such a bad death really.
I also killed one by electrocuting it:

We had a dishwasher (again in NZ) and it was relatively new and kept beeping one night and I couldnt stop it so got out of bed and as it was not possible to get to the socket without pulling the machine out, I just turned the kitchen MCB off to shut it up. The next day I called the shop where I bought it and they sent an engineer round.

He came to me with a big smile saying "I think we've found the problem" Holding a large rat by the tail with his pliers. The rat had come from under the house and chewed through the plasterboard and found his way under the dishwasher where he decided to chew some of the wiring. He managed to stuff up the programmer so the experience cost me $300NZ to fix. I did ask if it was covered under warranty!

Also a good tip if you have woodworm. paint coka cola on the affected timbers and the wood will last longer. This is more humane as it doesnt actually kill the woodworm but rots their teeth. :coat

I've seen the remains of a rat caught in a snap trap (nipper) by one leg, it dragged the trap across the shed & obviously couldnt fit the trap through the hole in the floor, so chewed its own leg off to get away leaving the lower part of its leg behind.

As said dont bother with the diy shed poison its pants, get to a local farm & cadge some or use the glue pads, dont bash the rat to kill it to much of a messy job & they take a heck of a bashing to kill them (apparently), pop it inside a hessian sack glue pad and all then drop into the garden water butt or my preffred option use a gun to despatch it, quick clean & easy.

I saw this critter running down the street and then tucked up behind these bins the other week.


The public there didn't seem bothered at all, location answers on a postcard ;)

My grandad would catch them in a trap, then would throw the trap into a water butt. Rat drowned no blood or mess.

Guys this is really important:

In days gone by drowning was commonly practised for trapped vermin, but if you do so [and get caught] you could receive a fine or even a prison sentence. It is no longer considered humane. Personally I agree.

You have the option of blunt force trauma or shooting with an air rifle. It is irresponsible for ANY person to trap an animal without a suitable means to dispatch it.

Guys this is really important:In days gone by drowning was commonly practised for trapped vermin, but if you do so [and get caught] you could receive a fine or even a prison sentence. It is no longer considered humane. Personally I agree.

You have the option of blunt force trauma or shooting with an air rifle. It is irresponsible for ANY person to trap an animal without a suitable means to dispatch it.
About bloody time someone had the guts to stand up and be far as I am concerned there is no justification at all ......non what so ever....for cruelty to any animal no matter what it is classed as....they have feelings just like a human and inflicting pain in a deliberate manner to an animal is just not acceptable......I voiced my opinion in an earlier post on this thread but it was allowed to slip past with no support offered.

The animal does not understand it is not welcome in places where human beings live all it wants is a life of it's own.

OK, we don't want them but being deliberately cruel is not the answer.

Shame on all who support cruelty to any creature.headbangbad day explode


deffo a preferred method,

or a terrier, but they just are'nt as agile for lofts etc.

dont use poison, will deffo leave a bad smell.

and, if you are really lucky and trap one the local chinese may well give you a couple of quid for it.!


Oh my goodness!! I despise rats! I could not sleep in the loft still if I knew there were rats! I know that they cannot really harm you, but I am petrified of these little vermin! I wish you the best of luck in getting rid of them! Try some rat poison in your loft and hopefully that gets them!


Cannot wait for the day when I become an electrician!!!


Its not rats, they are mice, so slightly better but they are freaking me out! I can hear them scuttling about in the ceiling at this moment in time:_|

I have put poison mixed in with milky way and formed into balls, found 1 dead mouse to this so far.

I have caught another 7 mice in traps and on the menu for that is mars bar as it sticks really well in the trap and so not pulled off easily.

I am at war with these little buggars! bad day explode

I use Peanut butter they just love it.

It is also important that you keep your traps empty and clean as if you leave a dead mouse in one for any time the others will stay clear of it.

I hate doing this but they can do so much damage in a house so sadly we have to kill them off.

Please don't let them suffer will you.

best way is a razor blade mounted vertically and placed just outside the mousehole with a piece of cheese the other side of it. Mouse pops his head over the blade and sees the cheese then looks side to side to make sure the coast is clear..... job done..


I wont let them suffer especially now that I realise that traps are much more efficient and quickest method of dispatch!

BTW I have found the black plastic traps much better than the traditional wooden ones.

As I said ealier, I dont like hurting animals but this is something that i have definately got to sort out:_|

Hi BWY,I wont let them suffer especially now that I realise that traps are much more efficient and quickest method of dispatch!

BTW I have found the black plastic traps much better than the traditional wooden ones.

As I said ealier, I dont like hurting animals but this is something that i have definately got to sort out:_|
Have you tried politely asking them to leave?

I had an Aunt who couldnt bear to see any creature suffer. Fair enough but I thought it was a bit much when she would collect all the slugs and snails out of the garden and take them to a field and let them go!
