Nearing end of phone contract.

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Oct 12, 2009
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I have a month left on my vodafone contract and I would like an Iphone 4.

They have offered me a decent deal for a 24 month contract but I'm a bit worried about committing myself for 2 years. I have tried asking for an 18 month contract but they want 200quid up front which I dont really want to pay. I'm going to try haggling for a better 18 month deal tomorrow.

Would it be possible to haggle for a better 18 month contract? If not what are you thoughts on having to keep the same phone for 2 years? Just want your views. Any opinions welcome.

There are a lot of phone companies now trying to force 2 year contracts, the main reason for this is the price of the new phones. I would look at all the other providers and see if you can play one deal against the other to get the best deal.

Tesco (O2 network) offer the iphone4 on a 12 month although you have to pay a part for the phoneAnd the 4GS or iPhone5 will be out late June/July (rumored) so you may want to wait
Can see the iphone 5 being quite pricey with upfront costs and monthly bills though? Especially when you look at what the iphone 4 rates are right now.

Agreed but it should knock the price of the iphone 4 down to a more reasonable price.

Disclaimer: Android phones are also available for a more reasonable price :slap

Don't call up and ask 'what offers have you got/'

Call up and tell them you are thinking of leaving and would like a PAC code.

They will put you through to a different person- this person will be in retentions - they can give better deals as they know you are serious about leaving

The trick is you have to make them believe you are going to leave

My deal (though Orange retentions)

1200 mins (any network)

+ 1000 free mins (any network)

+ Unlimited landline calls

+ 500 texts

+ free insurance

+ 500Mb data


Baldy is right about the "retention " dept , I think a lot of companies have them these days.

Can't comment on deals for Iplods as I only ever have a basic phone , excellent deal now from TMobile because I phoned them and said everyone I know seems to be on a better deal than me . Load of free calls to landlines plus a loyalty bonus , free basic phone every two years .

A lad I know has just changed from an iPhone 3GS (jail broken) to a Sony xperia play... The PSone phone... And he says it is much better than the iPhone and that he'd never go back to one..

I know it's not the iPhone 4, but he thinks that Androids GUI is much better

From a personal point of view I have a HTC Desire and an ipad2,,, the desires GUI is much better what with widgets etc..

I looked around to see what was on offer, then rang o2 and said vodafone can give me all this, can you match it, if not can I have a pac code, they matched it, albeit changing some things, some up, some down, I keep my unlimited o2 calls which is a big thing to me, my mate is on IoM and I can call him free on the deal I have stayed on.

Don't call up and ask 'what offers have you got/'Call up and tell them you are thinking of leaving and would like a PAC code.

They will put you through to a different person- this person will be in retentions - they can give better deals as they know you are serious about leaving

The trick is you have to make them believe you are going to leave
I had a free contract for a year when I rang O2 to cancel as no signal at my new house. They said they'd give me free for a year to see if signal improved. It didn't.

Get a Blackberry :D

Basically what has already been said.

Last week upgraded my gf's phone.

Nothing fancy.

100 mins

500 texts

250mb web usage.

Nokia C7

A lad I know has just changed from an iPhone 3GS (jail broken) to a Sony xperia play... The PSone phone... And he says it is much better than the iPhone and that he'd never go back to one..I know it's not the iPhone 4, but he thinks that Androids GUI is much better

From a personal point of view I have a HTC Desire and an ipad2,,, the desires GUI is much better what with widgets etc..
Whats widgets noz?

I've had an iPhone 3GS for a year with another left (2. Yr contract) wish I hadent now. The batteries are rubbish , signal is rubbish. My pals got the new blackberry which he traded an iPhone in for and the batteries good signal is spot on. Were both vodafone and where I had no service he had full signal so its defo the phone not provider. I'm getting rid asap. Also his blackberry has data auto saved so no backing up needed like iPhone requires.

And the 4GS or iPhone5 will be out late June/July (rumored) so you may want to wait
I believe it's more likely September, and the rumour mill suggests not much will be new

what's a widget???

Well, in the pic below (my current phone setup) the clock, weather, temperature and date thingy in the middle of the screen... They auto update straight to the desktop... You can get loads of them - e mail, Facebook/twitter, power control but to name a few...

For any android users,, my phone is a HTC Desire (rooted) running Ginger villain 2.3.3, the weather widget is beautiful widgets and I use launcher pro + with 3 docks as my launcher.... Because of that I only have 3 of the available 7 home screens


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Forgot to say,,,,

If you click on the cloud you get a 4 day forecast, click on the time it goes to the alarm settings, click on the date or temp and it goes to my google calendar (which syncs with my iPad)

Rooting is like jailbreak.... Then you can either stick with the stock ROM or change it for another (like I have) there are plenty to choose from.

The battery is like any other smart phone from what I can gather... Charge every night! :(

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You can also get iPhone lookie liken app icons if you miss apple that much;)
