Paragon Plus Installation Manual?

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Senior Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Got a job at work tommorow on behalf of crime prevention to repair and service a Paragon Plus alarm. Does anyone know where i can get my mitts on an installation manual? Typically the homeowner has no manuals at all.

Ideally i dont want to put a full system in if this one can be returned to a useable state.



Added them to download section. Not showing up though, dont know if they need approving or something or if i've uploaded them wrong. pm your email if you like and I will mail them... Them being installer and user.

The Paragon is a pile of old toss, cheap ****e from days gone by type stuff. Just saying like, don't spend too much time trying to fix it.

Lol Stuart. Dont beat around the bush.

Yeah i would image the panel is around 15 years old. The fault is cable related i suspect as it happened when the owner had new carpet fitted.

Ill give it 30 minutes of my time, if we have no luck then the lady will be getting a Honeywell Galaxy system banged in :)

Fault diagnosed - Bell fuse blown due to carpet fitted jamming the door strip through the cable lol. Repaired however its still got several tampers on and its generally not a repsonsive panel so time to get a replacement system authorised and installed.


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