part p mockery

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nah ur only a true cockney if you are born within the sound of the great bow bells :p

im a squaddy brat! Dad served with the Royal Scots Guard based at pirbright and guildford barracks, but he is originally from warrington, but mum is from guildford!

So let's get this straight us up here in Scotland (who only wear kilts and all have ginger hair) are bad sparks because we don't have a the mockery that is part p? Some joiner trying to save money on other trades watches a sparky a few times putting sockets on and installing nice down lighters in his new kitchen away and does this 5 week course and is now an electrician??? I may get him to wire my house....... Absolute ridiculous. Although I do agree we need some sort of gas safe way of working! Nic or select should be law and that would fix everything!

People still appear to get mistaken between Part P and the wiring regulations, Part P is a building regulation, just like Part B or any other Part of the said regulations. The wiring regulations are not law, in fact it was a court in Scotland that effectively dealt the blow that confirmed this.

As an electrician under the Part P of the building regulations you are required to effectively sign off the work stating that what you have installed complies with BS7671 and Part P.

There will always be shoddy work, by both those who are experienced,and those who have little regard for anything but the cash for the job.

The only thing we can do is perform our duties properly and report those who do not.

So let's get this straight us up here in Scotland (who only wear kilts and all have ginger hair) are bad sparks because we don't have a the mockery that is part p? Some joiner trying to save money on other trades watches a sparky a few times putting sockets on and installing nice down lighters in his new kitchen away and does this 5 week course and is now an electrician??? I may get him to wire my house....... Absolute ridiculous. Although I do agree we need some sort of gas safe way of working! Nic or select should be law and that would fix everything!
Yeh right:slap

Part P is law and it's solved absolutley nothing,,,, infact it's probably created more out of their depth 5WW's due to guys (kitchen installers, plumbers, etc) who do bits and pieces having to be registered now doing more electrical work, that they are competent to do, to justify the cost of registration.

The trade needs some sort of scheme alongside gas safe. These 5ww courses should b outlawed.

Prodave do u maybe think one of the reasons we have no part p is because there are no easy routes into 'claiming' to be an electrician. I have worked with loads of guys that have completed a 4 apprenticeship and are still hopeless god only know what someone would be like after 5 weeks
Im brilliant !!!!!

i can charm my way to getting a coffee and cake from any old hag !!!!!

The "5WW" courses everyone refers to..........obviously "5 Week Wonder". What format do they take? As in is it 5 days a week for 5 weeks or evenings over 5 weeks etc?

5 days a week for 5 weeks

i met a guy last week who was doing this over a few months


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