Price for 1/2 day it's a Periodic INSPECTION Report minimal testing.I would make sure earthing/cpc ok
IR Test on board
then Zs test each circuit
report and code
end of the day the quicker you are the more you can do so can quote cheaper if need
Watch your coding if not compliant with 17th code as such. Try to find out the age of the installation and if it complies with the standards at the time.
saves you condemning stuff unnecessarily and getting poor reputation
Mr. Wigan:
Could we please try to ensure our information is accurate?
A "visual condition report" is one thing; a "periodic inspection report" is quite another.
Are you suggesting that you wouldn`t **bother** doing r1+r2 / r2?
Or the 10% / 20% of items to dismantle to visually check?
Or polarity even???
This means that theoretically, you could do a PIR on an installation, pass it with your tests, and approve it for another X years service with potentially dangerous faults.
Thats ok though, it is YOUR name on the cert.
However, we do try to answer questions with answers that are not only to regs, but also to include good practice; which does not equate to shortcuts.
O/P - it is entirely up to you how you choose to test & inspect. You can do it in 3 hours perhaps, if you go the route Mr. Wigan suggests, Whereas I may be there all day.
n.b. You COULD do an IR test at the board but:
A) it HAS to be a "limilations" test, as you cannot test Phase - Neutral.
B) If that test gives a result of 0.00Mohms, you HAVE to either go looking for the fault, or stop testing. Every test relies on safe and correct results from the preceeding test. Therefore, you can`t say "oh, it fails the insul test P+N-E. Never mind, lets do Zs!"
Just my opinion, however. We each do things a little differently.