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Have you checked where the join is or the mains and made sure that the sheaths are trimmed back far enough so the screew's make full contact, just I idea. Should be easy too trace, if you start at the beginning and working your way through

it was feed from a 3phase supply as the 3 phase supplied other units. they wanted the salon to be connected to the house supply as they have had PV installed and wanted the salon and house seprate from the other units. 

looks like they have used the 16mm SWA from the orginal CU and joined it to 25mm SWA going to the single pahse house supply. joined in link boxes. 

ALL connections are ok i went though all of them and the CU connections. 

all joins are made off correctly going in to A boxes and then running straight in to the CU and link boxes ect. 

Well from what I'm reading it can only be, a switch Fuse or breaker fault if all the joints are sound. Or the fault is at the main supply.

Sorry not making full contact

main supply shows 240V with the shower on. testing the joint and  get 160V. the joint is around 25M along the 25mm. i am out of options other than to replace the 25mm with a full run. 

it sounds as though there is definately a fault with something other than the actual cable its-self. if your only idea to fix the problem is to replace it, then i suggest you call an electrician to find the actual problem

not my only idea. but the one witch will make me the most money : )
you mean make the most money for your incompetence? you mean you would rather risk replacing a cable which will cost a lot (and may not solve the problem either), when the problem is probably something simple and easy to repair? thats exactly what a cowboy would do. i really hope your customer has had a quick look on the net themselves and found this thread.

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didnt say i couldnt find it just not found it at present, that why i asked you guys for a bit of help as i have not come accross this before. doesnt look like i will be coming back here i think i will go to another forum if the members in this place are like you! 

Why replace it with 25mm if the supply or first part of the sub main is 16mm surely it's the other way round. You need to test from the from breaker, switch fuse and check the voltage with all loads on

that is what i have done. its goes from the 25mm to the 16mm not 16mm front end then join on the 25mm. even if if it does drop cable size 16mm should still be ok for the total load. 

front end 25mm swa 240v

at 25mm to 16mm join 160V

consumer unit. 16mm 160V

Then I would simply be looking at the front end, why 240 wasn't getting through. If I'm honest I can't see the cable being damaged, but that's my opinion

Sorry how do you no there not one joint or 2 or 3 and so on.

There is 240v with out the shower on. When the shower is on it drops to 160v. I can see the cable ran though the out side and loft. One one joint.

Have you done ANY loop impedance tests at any points of the circuit?

Have you measured the resistance (both L and N independently) of each leg of the circuit?

Those SIMPLE tests that any competent electrician could perform, will quickly track down the faulty cable or faulty joint and let you fix it at MINIMUM cost to your customer.


After reading the post above this (while typing) it is clear you have no understanding.

you have a high RESISTANCE somewhere, a faulty cable or a faulty joint.

With no load, of course you will still get 240V at the far end.

When you draw a big load, the voltage will drop, simple ohms law.

Do you not understand that?

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Simple start at the front end and work your way through, and all will come clear
